@San Jose Sharks

This is NOT a good look for ESPN…

Hockey doesn’t count? When one of ESPNs biggest shows, and therefore one of the biggest sports shows in the US First Take brings up hockey, surely it can’t be that bad, right? Well, Stephan A Smith and Molly Qerim just disrespected the New York Rangers and really, the entire NHL so hard. This past off season, after NBCs NHL rights had ran up, it was announced that ESPN was purchasing the rights to the NHL for the next 7 years at a cost of 400 million dollars a year. Despite that, hockey can’t get any love from Stephen A Smith saying the Rangers don’t count when talking about the major sports organizations of New York. That todays NHL hockey video!

#nhl #espn #stephenasmith #disrespect #hockey #newyorkrangers


  1. Im really happy you spotlighted this! Bravo! Stephen A is so disrespectful, this is worse than him trying to mix it up with Joe Rogan in the UFC world – the man is a windbag, he understands some of the world of sports but mostly assumes of human mentality and rants/raves like a lunatic for views for espn

  2. Honestly! Tell me Im wrong Fam? I hate people speaking so poorly, so negatively and so arrogantly about some of the world most premier athletes in one of the toughest and most gruelling sports.

  3. If it weren't for the hockey and possibly Monday night football, ESPN dosent even cross my mind anymore! It's a cesspool of people's bad takes on everything from hockey to politics

  4. I love playing basketball but as far as watching a sport, the nba doesn’t even compete with the nhl. Football and hockey are the most entertaining, baseball behind them, and somewhere down the list of major sports is basketball. Even golf is more entertaining imo.

  5. NHL fans, this is how us NASCAR fans felt when ESPN had the rights from 2007-2014

  6. Stephen A$$hole Sh!t doesn’t even really any sports other than Basketball. Even w/ football he’s ignorant. He’s one of the most overpaid tv personalities amongst all types of TV. Plus, anyone remember how long he lasted w/ MMA when ESPN bought that?

  7. As the white population continues to shrink, nhl relevance will shrink right along with it. The nhl will be what monster jam is today in 20 to 30 years.

  8. Regardless of the hockey debate it just doesn’t make sense as a business to invest in a sport and then have your biggest commentator dismiss it lol

  9. Lets be honest hes talking smack on Hockey bc its a white sport for the most part. God for bid if white people have anything anymore.. seriously how is this okay ? Can u imagine if this was the other way around. This country bro …

  10. I started watching hockey regularly last season. Growing up near Raleigh I started watching the Canes. I’ve had more fun watching the Canes in one year then the NBA for the last twenty But I’m also a hornets fans 😂

  11. I admit I catch a game here and there I dont watch consistently. But I understand the appeal and and know it’s a really fun sport to play. First take is immature for this move. It’s their job to cover sports guess it’s too much to ask for them do their jobs. And really disrespectful to his co host.

  12. Stephen A Smith really thinks he's some hot shit! Don't he? Well close enough. He's hot garbage! They should make punching bags with his face on them. And I'll will bet my nuts that the sport of boxing picks up 100 times over. He's been on ESPN TV now for some time. Shouldn't he be thinking about working on producing, or writing, or even get behind the camera? I mean ppl really need to get this guy off TV now.

  13. Do we care what Stephen A Smith thinks? Just ask Joe Rogan. The time Stephen A Smith was an announcer at a UFC event. Yes Stephen A Smith was trying to explain what had happened in the fight along with Rogan and I believe it was Cormier. Joe was actually laughing at Stephen A Smith as he really had no idea whatsoever he was talking about, nor the fight he'd just seen. Well Rogan had a good time with it. And when Smith found out what Rogan had said about his "MMA fight knowledge," Smith really took it to heart. And Stephen A Smith put out that video which he had said that he's called some of the best fights in history, and how dare Joe Rogan have a laugh at his expense. I believe he even went as far as to say that if Rogan had something to say about him, that he's not too hard to find. Too bad Joe Rogan was laughing so hard at even the notion, he couldn't even respond. That's right, Joe Rogan took the high road, and laughed his ass of, along with the whole wild world of sports, at a very tough looking Stephen A Smith. With his black turtle necked shirt on. The world knew Smith meant business, as his long sleeves were rolled up his twiggy arms. Needless to say, this was the biggest laugh Smith had ever got for a response! I believe this may have been two years ago. And Rogan is still trying to breathe from laughing so hard. So Smith did hurt Joe Rogan. He laughed so hard he had fallen off his chair, and his face was blue, due to the fact that Stephen had made the poor guy laugh so hard. It was completely noticable as well, as Stephen was talking about a fight, while Joe Rogan was looking at him in complete confusion. And then Joe had the toughest fight of his life trying not to laugh in Stephen A's face. You'd figure that ESPN would have sent an avid UFC fight watching analyzer. At least those were Rogan's comments about Stephen's MMA fight calling abilities. Before he nearly busted I to hysterics right in Mr Smith's ugly ass face. It was truly something to behold! I gotta give Joe some mad credit for holding it together long enough for the camera to move away from them. I'm sure he got a bigger laugh when Stephen made a reply video to him stating that he didn't enjoy being laughed at, with them sleeves on his turtle neck shirt rolled up. I saw the video and died laughing. All of us watching! Dead! LMMFAO! #TYSTEPHENASHIT!

  14. Not interested in ESPN and especially NHL after their woke gay crap. What does a parent say to their kid when they ask about rainbow crap on uniforms? Hard pass

  15. Tell me you know nothing about hockey without telling me you know nothing about hockey.

    "I love Gary Bettman."

    Yep, that'll do.

  16. they did the same thing to XFL on PTI.. Wilbon was like, "I won't even give it a chance. won't find me watching it." .. like ok cuck, they're trying to build something here, at least promote it as something you'll critique after watching a game 🤡

  17. Stephen A is just butthurt that the NHL is entertaining to watch and the NBA is a dumpster fire and unwatchable. I live in Las Vegas and go to knights games regularly. I haven't watched a full NBA game in almost 5 years.

  18. Basketball sucks, it’s the most boring sport ever, all they do is run up and down the court and do the same stuff, Stephen and Molly are idiots has no idea what the hell they’re talking about, they should be fired or demoted.

  19. The fact that neither one got suspended for patronizing remarks about a league that ESPN owns the rights to show, is inexcusable. If other ESPN hosts can say less offensive remarks on air and get suspended for doing so, but these two unequivocally disrespected a league that their own network has the rights to carry, and yet they didn’t receive any disciplinary action. Wow!!! What hypocrisy by the network.

  20. This is how many people feel about hockey in sports media in the States. It's unfortunate because they wouldn't say that about the NBA, NFL, MLB, and NCAA athletics. I understand that you did not. grow up watching, following, or playing the sport, but to have a mocking attitude towards the NHL is daft.

  21. Imagine Barry melrose saying “only thing I know about basketball is that the players are usually in jail and mostly prefer white women

  22. I thought Stephen A knew a thing or two about four different sports. I was wrong. Sometimes he his insightful, Sometimes he's a clown. I will venture to guess the letters I.M.S.A. mean nothing to him either. Broaden your horizons, man. You're on television and supposedly an authority on sports. When Stephen A doesn't know or understand a sport, he dismisses it meaning he doesn't even prepare to discuss it. How refreshing if he would instead ask questions about it.

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