@Detroit Red Wings

Jonatan Berggren is going to be a HUGE part of this team in the years to come.

Watching this video, it’s just amazing what this kid can do with the puck, an to think he was stuck playing under 13 minutes most nights with Joe Veleno, an I like Joe but an offensive force he is not .

Watch some of these plays, the kid is only 22 years old.

Was pretty nervous when his name was brought up during the rumors for Debrincat.

Debrincat-Larkin-Berggren could be an absolute monster this season if they give him a chance, a big knock on Alex is that he needs a playmaker with him, imagine Jonatan getting Alex the puck.

Unfortunately it will probably be David Perron who looks like he is skating through quicksand most of the time on that wing.

by Valace2


  1. Valace2

    Fast forward to 11:05

    Alex Debrincat buries that.

    Then go to 12:15

    Alex Debrincat buries that.

    If he doesn’t get time on that 1st line this season. I will be very dissapointed.


  2. MakeItTrizzle

    I really think Berggren has a chance to be a guy that makes a huge leap over the next few years. He’s so skilled, and he’s still adding more to his game. Very bright future for him I hope.

  3. FragmentEx

    I get being high on him, but on a top line I’m not sure he does anything Raymond doesn’t, and they both run into the problem of being bullied off the puck. If they both get better at puck protection and some scruffiness, I think they’ll both be more versatile players whichever line they’re on.

  4. TehHugMonster

    I love Jon Burgers and he will be a big part of this team going forward. With that, I don’t see him on the first line. Also, the sophomore slump is likely to get him. I don’t expect a huge drop off but look at Razor last year

  5. CaptYzerman

    My thoughts on Berggren thus far has been what if he becomes our next draper. Am I off in thinking this?

  6. Celestial_Mycology

    I agree, but ya didn’t have to take a shit on Perron.. he’s helped us a ton so far..

  7. LtDouble-Yefreitor

    A few thoughts:

    A DeBrincat-Larkin-Berggren line, while very skilled, is undersized and would get pushed around in the corners or trying to control the puck in the offensive zone. They’d have to rely on scoring on odd man rushes and in transition. Not a terrible thing, but it doesn’t have much balance.

    You criticize Perron for being slow (rightfully so, I won’t deny that, speed has never been part of his game), but then you suggest placing him on a line with Copp and Compher, two very similar players not known for their speed. Worse yet, you’re putting not two but *three* setup guys on the same line. Copp (33A) and Perron (32A) were 3rd and 4th on the team in assists behind only Larkin and Seider, and Compher is also a setup guy with 35A. What’s the point of putting those three guys together? They can’t skate, and aren’t known for goal scoring. Why not spread them throughout the lineup?

    Based on what we’ve seen from Lalonde, he prefers a more balanced approach and wants a guy who can dig pucks out of the corners on each line to complement a player who can finish.

    But, to your point, I do agree that Berggren is going to be a big part of this team’s development and I’m stoked he wasn’t included in the DeBrincat trade. That would’ve been a tough pill to swallow. The best part of all this is our depth. When you have the ability to put a player like Ras, Compher, or Berggren on your 3rd line, that’s a good sign that things are looking up.

  8. WTBRaegO

    This is what I said when we were discussing lines a week or so ago and people just said “that line is too small”. Berg is going to be an assist machine if he makes that line.

  9. jimac20

    Berggren is going to put up points. I think the best part of our roster currently is that there are options up and down the line.

    We have 5 competitive centers, Larkin, compher, copp, ras, and veleno (likely the 3rd or 4th line).

    We also have ample forward depth on the wing. Perron, Sprong, and Debrincat all scored over 20 goals. Raymond, fabbri, and Berggren can likely push for 20 this year as well. Including the centers, we could see as many as 8 20-goal scorers on the team. Every other forward Stevie signed scored at least 10 goals. There are also prospects that will get looks this year and could end up looking like Berggren as well.

    We are a deep team and this likely will translate into us remaining competitive longer. Hopefully into April.

  10. zze0001

    My question for the people who have




    As their first line who is forechecking on that line who’s winning board battles in the o zone to get the puck to the other two skilled players?

    In theory I like both the lines but I just don’t see how they work in principle especially with the way lalonde seems to make his lines. I’d like to think the first line simply has only clean o zone entries but that’s just not reality.

  11. Langwaa12

    I can see Bergy being the player your talking about. He has an awesome ability to put defenders behind him on his back, reminds me of Z in that way. He’s also very good at managing the puck, knows when to eat it , not giving it away at the wrong times.

  12. Puzzled-Breakfast493

    Fabbri – Larkin – DeBrincat

    Berggren – Copp – Raymond

    Perron – Compher – Sprong

    Kostin – Veleno – Rasmussen

    I agree he needs to be in the top six. I would like to see him on the second line using his playmaking ability and getting Raymond to score more goals.

  13. Berggren has the talent to be a top 6 player in the lineup, now just has to continue to work on getting use to the NHL grind (which is normal for players at his stage). He’ll get there, and has been more than impressive already.

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