@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: Sullivan’s only hurting himself

Mike Sullivan’s only hurting himself with his handling of the Jeff Carter/Brian Dumoulin mess.

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  1. At the risk of sounding like a Debby Downer. I wish we would have sold at the deadline. If we get into the playoffs we are just going to be a tool to the opposite fanbase so they can have an obnoxious goal horn and fan song. "Ooooohh ohhhh oh oh, Hey! Hey! Hey". That is going to get annoying quickly as they get swept…

  2. Oh god. I listened to the video after my initial comment. HAHAHAAHAHAHA WE ARE PICKING ON POOR CARTER. What a goof. Proof he is too heavily invested into one single player that isn't Crosby.

  3. The Penguins fired Dan Bylsma and the flyers did the same to Mike Keenan. So there's no excuse not to fire Sullivan for the teams performance the past five years.

  4. Jarry might need to be added to your list. The Penguins were getting great chances, but their goalie stoned them time and again.

  5. The problem is the players in question need to swallow, some humble pie and take themselves out of the lineup. They are well aware that they have become a pair of cement shoes weighing down the team. If it was me personally I would not be happy with myself, and I would Step down willingly I couldn’t handle the fact that I was the one causing it. Why haven’t they?

  6. When Sidney Crosby is on the ice, the Penguins have attempted 201 shots more than their opponents.

    Evgeni Malkin? 149.

    Mikael Granlund, who does kill penalties? 1.

    Danton Heinen? -3. Not great, but about even shots for both teams when Heinen is on the ice, with opponents having taken just 3 shots more.

    Jeff Carter? -83.

  7. Imagine losing by SIX goals and your rebuttal as a coach is "YeAh BuT hEs GoOd At FaCeOfFs"

  8. Now that's Sullivan's response has been stated aloud in a public forum maybe he'll now understand how stupid his stance is.

  9. The complete lack of accountability is pretty disturbing. I can only blame management. Its the only thing that makes sense. Also Mario has stepped away. Not blaming him, its just a fact. The team just has no support from up top. Nothing they can do.

  10. Good podcast Dejan they are in big trouble with injuries on defense Petterson,Petry,Rutta.

  11. DK seeing some rumors that the penguins are interested in Kyle Dubas to replace Hextall during the off-season, do you think that would be a good move. I say yes anything is better than hextall! 😅

  12. I know that this is the NHL… the blowout loss is one of the WORST games for the Penguins.

    Why Sid didn't have time to help rebuild the franchise that he has been since he came here for over a decade?

    He did help rebuild this franchise and winning the Stanley Cups for the Penguins…

    The HC is the one who can be blamed on!

  13. It really did feel personal with him. Isn't that a big problem? If you're coaching a team and your decision to play or bench players is centered on your emotional attachment to them rather than to their performance, it seems like you're setting yourself up to fail regardless.

  14. Carter has looked like more of a scoring threat these last few games to give him some credit

  15. I remember one year Malkin had a pretty bad season, and he admitted that he didn't train at his usual off season facility. I bring that up to suggest that perhaps Dumo and Carter just have some level of a conditioning deficiency that could maybe be helped by resting them every other game. Do you think Sullivan would entertain this idea (at all)?

  16. What you said & have been saying is a given with Carter & Dumo. My question from that game is: Jordan Bennington got a game misconduct & suspension for hitting someone with his blocker earlierthat week, and then the commissioner's favorite team's goalie 'Igor' hits a Pens player(I think it was Nylander) with his blocker after the whistle in the 1st period & not even a thought of a whistle/penalty! What's up with the double standard?

  17. What is Sully's reward for scratching into the last playoff spot…?
    4 more days of team food vouchers 😂
    They will be abjectly destroyed

  18. This is what you get when you give or add long term deals to older players like Letang…Petry…Malkin…Carter!!! It is going to get worse before it gets better.

  19. I do think folks dont consider enough that this is a team sport. The reality is this team is old, light, and soft. So the results will be just as they have been for a long time now. Pens get in the playoffs and lose in the 1st round because they are old, light, and soft.

  20. Wow DK Sullivan says it's much deeper and I agree. I felt like the team had a major break down. Don't get me wrong I love the Pens but I had hoped for more. Something else is wrong and I don't know what. The teams spirit maybe restrictions. The rest I'm keeping my mouth shut Thanks DK no pun intended here. Lets see how it goes.

  21. When Sully was hired GR said he was a coach that adjust….clearly that has gone away and his time is up. He is still one of the nest coach in Penguins history but his shelf life has maxed out as he no longer adjust to the game.

  22. The Penguins are entering a 3-5 year losing run. It could be longer since there are no prospects in Wilkes-Barre.

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