@National Hockey League

Has Walsh gone too far?

Has Walsh gone too far?

by No-ConspiracyTheory


  1. yo_coiley

    He’s 100% right. The league has been absolutely screwing the players, primarily to prop up the smallest market teams. The finances of the league are so weird— teams should be getting relocated, but that’s expensive meanwhile the league charges a huge fee for expansion, meaning the low-revenue teams are still chugging along. It’s a business, and people are making plenty off the NHL. Those working to make it happen should not be getting subjected to a flat cap when there’s no reason for it, even if it was technically something negotiated during the pandemic.

    That’s the big sticking point. The NHL did keep the players paid during the pandemic despite having no revenue, yet they gained a good bit of leverage to keep players down in the future. The players may be a bit hypocritical to fight it, but the situation has changed and all sports are much more lucrative than they used to be.

    So, two things. First, if the huge spike in revenue is due to gambling… that may not last. I’m sure there’s a lot of cold feet after the Bally situation and the general vibes that sports betting has brought to the NHL experience. Second, I really don’t want a lockout. Knowing Bettman, that’s what’s on the horizon if things get stinky.

  2. ScoopKane


    Do people actually forget that players got their full salaries for 2018-19 and 2019 -20?

    The players still haven’t paid that back. That’s why the cap hasn’t gone up. But no, this isn’t a transfer from the players to the owners. It’s simply paying back the owners for the subsidy of players salaries when there were no games or there weren’t fans in the stands.

  3. AIHumanWhoCares

    He had me in the first half, but he kneecaps his point talking about writers making less than $26k because then you remember minimum salary in the NHL is $775k

  4. Im with alan on this one idk how someone can be in favor of the owners on this

  5. Alive_Tailor9878

    If I wanted to read to better understand how this profit splitting works in detail is there any source that you recommend?

  6. darthSajor96

    They had their chance during the covid stoppage, but the players union just doesn’t have guts to do anything beside play nice…they didn’t even get to go to the Olympics!

  7. JDextol

    Listen i kinda like walsh but how is anybody shocked that he wants the cap to go up he would make more money of course he wants the cap to go up.

  8. JDextol

    If anybody can find a source on the 3.5 Billion in revenue from players to owners i’m curious how it’s actually spent. Because I would doubt the owners just straight pocket it although it wouldn’t shock me however i’m sure some of that money went into new facilities/Arenas.

  9. ZachtheKingsfan

    Pretty sure the next lockout is gonna be another full season one.

  10. Flashy_Ferret_1819

    During COVID the league lost boatloads of money over multiple seasons. The players didn’t want to take a pay cut to match as they are *entitled* to 50% of HRR. They have been paying escrow and the cap hasn’t risen as the players pay back that money. Once they do the salary cap and revenue sharing will be back to 50%.

    A player agent, whose income is directly tied to the players income, is hardly an unbiased source of information. With the legal resources on both sides I find it highly improbable that the league would be able to screw the players over in direct violation of the CBA and get away with it.

  11. WeiLaosWorld

    Reading this and crying in coyotes fan

  12. rollinscott

    That $3.5B was taken from the fans, not the players. $775,000 minimum for the players, doesn’t sound so bad to me.

    Maybe the owners could just take a little less and lower ticket prices so I can take my family to a game.

  13. AssociateDear1823

    Which actors and writers don’t make $26k+ a year.? LOL

  14. JimBeefLakeMonster

    Of course it’s a shit system, the players are basically supporting garbage teams in nowhereville because the league is too inept to move teams and grow the game

  15. sokocanuck

    I completely agree.

    Gary is so pro owner, it’s nuts.

    Players deserve a bigger cut and if that means franchises that lose money need to go, that’s the price that needs to be paid for a healthy league.

  16. I don’t know what “gone too far” means, his job is to advocate for the players. But clearly there’s context missing, and comparing it to the writer’s strike is silly, imo

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