@Florida Panthers

The Panthers will sponsor Daniel Saurez in this week’s SRX race. (Thursday @9pm on ESPN)

The Panthers will sponsor Daniel Saurez in this week’s SRX race. (Thursday @9pm on ESPN)

by bmc53rocks


  1. Gmoney_429

    Well that’s interesting, great way to troll the bruins

  2. Eltronado

    Does Vinny own a stake in the racing team?

  3. 6-toe-9

    That’s wicked, I’m gonna check it out!

  4. purpleopus77

    This is so cool! Now I need a die cast!

  5. theasfldotcom

    …what the hell? This is a track in Connecticut and a Mexican driver…how does this bring revenue back to the Panthers?

    I mean, I like Suarez, but what the hell? Has he been to a Panthers game at some point? Is this some kind of deal to bring him to a game when Homestead happens in October?

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