@Montreal Canadiens

More Drama..

OK Guys, it’s time to take a look at some recent rumors that have been floating around about Habs 5th overall pick David Reinbacher. Apparently there has been some reports about him having a disease that causes knee issues . However, his head coach from Switzerland claims otherwise. Because, well, ofcourse he does. Lets dive in!

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  1. Another example why I stop watching news, channels..and focus on things I like that are not clickbate crap. Your channel is solid and entertaining

  2. From a guy with osgood schlatter, its painful but it really doesnt change much. He will still be able to play without any issue.

  3. Dog days of summer brings out desperate and stretched stories. I am sure our management team did not vet any of any picks medically before the draft.

  4. omg…. 3 players I coached in Boys and Girls soccer who had this… calling it a disease is STUPID… It is soreness and will go away with final growth. This is STUPIS stuff…. STOP using the DISEASE label….


  5. I have had various overuse problems with my knees as well, before I knew how to strengthen them effectively. Turn out just 1 min of Horse Stance and a bit of regular stretching and all of the fascia and cartilage around the knee strengthens immeasurably. Weights do not help.

  6. "The lie detector determined that …that was a lie!"

    RIP Maury. Crazy-a$$ mother**** who knew the formula!

  7. This so call knee problems at his age and still a teen-ager is laughable. The Montreal Canadian receive all kind of reports being physical, mental evaluation one one interviews help in making a draft decision. This internet talk is just talk. Let the kid develop.

  8. That Max Truman guy made up a lot of bullshit theory in his articles just to get attention and click bait. He always says a lot of bullshit about every habs players that aint true at all just to start rumors and unnecessary drama. Everytime I heard his name in habs news I know 90% are made up bullshit.

  9. If there's nothing to worry about, how come the Hans Zimmer drama-music is playing in the background then?

  10. Hi junkie,just thought you would like to know 1 of your black eye from xhekaj made it up to Iqaluit Nunavut.i brought it up when I came to work.plan on getting a photo of me in front of the sign and send it to.i just don't know how to give you the photo.keep up the amazing work n thanks for a great channel

  11. Habs media is pathetic and that might be understatement. Maybe they should go on a 2 month break, you know, like school children.
    Always blessed to hear yer 2 bits, Junkie

  12. if chris osgood could play GOALIE with the disease, so could reim, even if he dosent have it

  13. I have the osgood schlatters and it’s not that big of a deal in adulthood. For me it was mostly inflammation in my mid teens. Now I’m close to 40 and it’s just a bump. Even if Reinbacher has it it’s not a big deal.

  14. I've had Osgood-Schlatter on both knees since I was around 13-14 or so. The bumps that remain under them make it impossible for me to get on my knees without being extremely uncomfortable. Those "bumps" should also be really easy to spot when you bend your knees.
    This is a disease you get during puberty and growth spurts, not at 18 years of age, and, if he's had the disease since he was a young teenager and no one noticed, that's insane considering he's an athlete. At 18, if he's had the disease, he would most likely have noticeable bumps below his kneecaps, unless he's lucky.

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