@Winnipeg Jets

Logan Stanley hit on Kirill Kaprizov – Tough Call Recommendation

Logan Stanley mounted Kirill Kaprizov and drove all of his weight down onto his unfortunate opponent. I don’t know what kind of play it was but I’d rather not see it happen again.


  1. It looked like an awkward tackle after a quick turn by Kaprizov. I don't know whether that's holding or roughing, but it's definitely one of them.

  2. His hand went up to grab his shoulder this prevented any possible way for the player to finish his turn. Holding minor penalty.

  3. As I said before, this is intent to injure. If he'd stayed on the ice, I'd have called it a normal check. But you can see him push off and up to get on top and land on his opponent.

  4. This to me looked like a intentional malicious play with potential intent to injure with his feet leaving the ice and putting all his weight on him. I don’t know if you can call a penalty on the play which they didn’t. I think he should’ve probably been fined and suspended potentially though and he didn’t.

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