@National Hockey League

Who will reach 100 points first?

Who will reach 100 points first?

by No-ConspiracyTheory


  1. Edm_vanhalen1981

    Tage. I think him and Cozens go nuclear next year.

  2. shittybillz

    Hughes this season. Maybe marner and Tage too. The rest are more long shots

  3. TayOs1998

    You have to think if Matthews is healthy then Marner will easily hit 100.

  4. ShockApprehensive392

    Kills me to know Ottawa used the sharks 1st pick to land Stutzle…

  5. LogieThePerogie

    Jack Hughes Tage thompson and marner will all hit it this year

  6. ubcthrowaway-01

    Swap Point and Stu and the entire top row gets 100

  7. elbows2nose

    Point finally played 82 and came up short, hoping he can do it this year

  8. HanSolo5643

    I think Jack Hughes definitely will if he plays a full season. I think Mitch Marner definitely has a shot at it as well. I also could see Brayden Point as well. Tampa Bay has lost a lot of depth over the last few years, and I think with less depth, it will mean more opportunities for points for him. I will also say Tage Thompson will reach the mark.

  9. Imaginary-Art-6194

    Zibanejad. Not sure why he’s not getting respect in these comments.

  10. pangaea1972

    Hughes, Tage, and Stutzle this year. Marner possibly. I don’t think Panarin or big Z get there in the future.

  11. Mitcheeeey

    If Gallant didn’t randomly fuck up the PP, Panarin and Mika would’ve had over 105, they were doing so well then he decides to fuck it all up.

    Panarin if he scores more could easily hit 100, but Hughes most likely to hit 100 pains me to say

  12. paladinx17

    It has to be the youth. Hughes, Stutzle, and Thompson. All up and coming and the youngest here (90 point seasons already!)

  13. Neugoodz

    I’d be fuming if I made it to 99 points and then couldn’t get an assist or goal in the last game

  14. Reptar_4_Life

    Bread has a better shot than Mika IMO just based on being more of a playmaker but realistically probably Hughes or Tage because they are the clear number 1s for their teams

  15. robfrod

    Elias Pettersson would be the third youngest player on this list but he’s already had one. So underrated.

  16. MaddVentures_YT

    Hughes Thompson and possibly Marner

  17. Snow-Brigade

    Point. I’m surprised to see he hasn’t already hit that the way he lights it up. Another healthy season and he gets it.

  18. LaruePDX

    Tage missed some time w an injury otherwise could have made it.

  19. Adam_Friedland_TAFS

    Pointer for sure. He only gets better. Other guys had a good season, but Point has Kucherov and Stamkos to play alongside. They both hit +100 seasons so they’re going to set him up every chance. And he’s already had 2 +90 point seasons.

  20. jcdevries92

    Hughes fs barring injuries. Hot take, tage doesnt but stü does.

  21. Smorgas-board

    Sucks that Panarin was literally going to have one and then the pandemic happened

  22. mudamuckinjedi

    Gonna have to good with my man Mika! You know by default lol.

  23. RSlashLazy

    Hughes, Marner, and Timmy stu will have 100 next year.

  24. Losdangles24

    Hughes had 99 with 4 games missed this season. I’m thinking he’ll be over 110 this year. Damn it’s so nice to have a stud forward. Even in my youth when we were winning cups and were perennial contenders we never had star forwards. It’s so nice that we have an electric forward entering his prime. The fact that he’s extremely likable and American are just cherries on top. Wanna add that tage is a beast and I’m kinda shocked point hasn’t had 100 before

  25. Humble-Reach-9600

    Don’t worry, we’ll just call it the ‘Stutzle Curse’ on Ottawa… 🤷‍♂️

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