@Vancouver Canucks

Myers exits the game after awkward collision with Foligno

Tyler Myers was forced to exit the game after an awkward collision with Marcus Foligno. Myers was down for quite some time before being helped off the ice.


  1. Minnesota fans are morons… chanting "USA! USA!" when Meyers is injured… furthermore, it is not USA vs. Canada when both teams are comprised of an international squad… just dumb. Pretty rough outing for the Jets though with the Wild showing their teeth.

  2. That was a cheap hit to the knee at 44 seconds u can clearly see the wild player arm reach out hitting the jet player as he's falling

  3. Dirty as hell, If Doughty and Kadri get suspended then that is at least a game or two

  4. Its awesome when you can punch a guy in the back of the knee and no call and prob no suspension. Lets just go ahead and injure all the players who are playing well in series. That way we can watch a bunch of pluggers play dump and chase.

  5. Any chance of a suspension? Pretty dirty move on the Wild. Hopefully this series doesn't get too dirty on either side.

  6. The only thing I could thing about for this clip…. REALLY Ehlers, you’re an NHL player and you loop your laces around your skates!—toats weird.

  7. Without a doubt, intent. He didn’t collide with him anyone using that as an excuse is bias. He clear as day punched his leg out if this was the other way around the classless Wild fans would be in an uproar.
    Even more the chanting of USA while a player is hurt is disgusting and tasteless. I’m not a Jets fan but for that a lone I pray you get stomped 2 straight. No room for ‘fans’ like that in the NHL. Do the dumb fans even realize the nationality of their players??

  8. He was blocking the shot look what happened when he shot it it went about 10 feet wide cuz he was in the shot lane clearly not intentional! Just a very awkward collision.

  9. Even as Minnesota fan that hit looks ugly. The Department of Player Safety should get involved.

  10. Wild fan here. But before that im a fan of hockey as a sport so i looked at this hit like i hope i would any other play. With reason.
    But honestly doesnt see the cheapshot in this. Foligno goes for a block, misses it and tries to get back in the play fast in a super clumsy and desperate way. That unfortunatly leads to a collision with Myers and his lower body. He falls and potentially twist his body very akwardly in between the boards and Foligno.
    So to summerize my view: Its a clumsy play by Foligno, but its not dirty or warrented of actions from the NHL. Its an unfortunate hockey play, that happens when their is a lot at stake.
    Also missed in this. Hope Myers recovers well and fast from this!

  11. to me it looks like he got up after blocking the shot, cut an edge, and put his arm out to brace himself and accidentally hit myers in the knee

  12. Minnesota fans thinking they will win the series lol. Jets team arrived 3 hours prior to the game due to snow storm.

  13. Listen to jets fans calling Minnesota players dirty.. it like you don't have a byfuglien on your team or something. Hell Copp is punk too.

  14. Think of the weight balance ratio for a 6’7 240 lbs man. The pressure on the internal organs when they get injured Multiplies by the average hockey player in the NHL at 6’0. It means when they injure their lower body, the injuries are harder to completely recover from which makes them prone to re-injury with a larger degree of injury. I still don’t know how Chara, at his frame and current age, is still playing in the NHL. Absolutely a medical miracle.

  15. Anyone who thinks that was dirty has obviously never skated before. He's just using his inside edge to stand back up, and isn't targeting the knee in the slightest.

  16. I've never seen a more whiny fan base than Winnipeg. Always playing the victim role. Excuses over "grueling" travel because of a blizzard (apparently Jets fans don't know Minnesota and Manitoba border each other and it's not even an hour flight) and now this perceived social injustice over Foligno's inhumane "cheap shot". Pathetic. No wonder why you f'ers drink like fish. You can't handle reality. Before you criticize Foligno, I suggest you get your own house in order. Byfuglien cross checked Staal twice across the back of the neck on Sunday and nothing was called. It's a fact that Byfuglien is one of the biggest goons in hockey.

  17. I am a wild fan… that was done on purpose look at how he comes in for the block and then the player was going to get around him so he tried to grab him so he didnt get beat. when he grabbed him he almost missed so he went for the under cut and got his knee. He over shot his block got beat and tried to take him down with him so he couldnt take the advantage. Cheap play, did he mean to injure him no, but it was a cheap play because he was out of position. Now however, I do believe there is some major frustration in this series. The Jets are out hitting and bruising the Wild. This is playoff hockey the Wild should be use to it by now but this why they can never get out of the first round basically. Grow some balls Wild and hit back and play. I mean the Mighty Ducks came back and beat Iceland didnt they haha so come on stop complaining and do something!

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