@St. Louis Blues

Tom Wilson vs Robert Bortuzzo Jan 3, 2019

Tom Wilson vs Robert Bortuzzo from the Washington Capitals at St. Louis Blues game on Jan 3, 2019.


  1. Bortuzzo landed maybe only 1 in the beginning then it was all Wilson connecting and Bortuzzo missing with his swings after that, plus add the takedown easily yet another win for Wilson. No way this guy loses to some teammate fighter after KOing one of the biggest players in the league.

  2. don't care about either team…
    however, the announcer is on crack!
    Wilson was getting in short lefts that knocked down Bortuzzo. I went back and forth to try and find the "couple of hay-makers" 0:33 by Bortuzzo?????
    Not found!

  3. My first hockey game, i like to think I was the reason they turned around their season and won the cup this year by attending the game. Lol

  4. Great bout by Wilson and bortuzzo Great uppercuts, Rights, jabs Great bout for 2 big boys!

  5. On slo-mo this was actually a lot closer than I thought…

    Bortuzzo's punches:
    #1 Uppercut caught in Wilson's pads.
    #2 Right blocked by Wilson's arm.
    #3 Right cross missed badly.
    #4 Right misses behind Wilson's head.
    #5 Hard straight right actually connects in upper chest area.
    #6 Overhand right comes up way short.
    #7 Solid right hand under Wilson's left arm.
    #8 Nice right over Wilson's arm.

    Now Wilson:
    #1 right cross connects w/ Bortuzzo against the boards.
    #2 connects as Bortuzzo also connects with straight right.
    #3 glances off helmet.
    #4 right cross catches visor.
    #5 right blocked by shoulder.
    #6 Hard left jab.
    #7 Right cross comes up just short.
    #8 Overhand right misses.
    #9 Another left jab as Bortuzzo is going down.

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