@Edmonton Oilers

Nurse appreciation post

For how bad some may treat him I believe that without nurse we would be in real trouble if not crippled without nurse on our top parring. He eats big minutes not many can do and he’s here to stay!

by jagermain177


  1. spagboltoast

    Anyone who says he isnt a top pairing dman is just stupid and immediately invalidates their opinion.

    Overpaid? Barely. But thats the cost of not losing your top 3 dmen over 3 years. Also who cares thats old news get over it.

    Edit: the triggering is hilarious. Whos sending cares messages over these lol

  2. SimulatedEschatology

    He does ALL the dirty work and gets none of the gravy. What a beauty!

  3. jigglywigglydigaby

    So happy he’s an Oiler…..just a beauty!

  4. LastoftheSummerWine

    His teammates know his value and they know hockey better than mere spectators. Nothing but respect for Doc.

  5. ScoopKane

    Nurse is a top pairing guy.

    He parlayed Klefbom’s injury and the ridiculous Seth Jones contract into an overpay. Maybe $2M to $2.5M. That doesn’t change the fact is truly a 1-2 D on many teams in the league.

    But he can make us forget the salary by a focus on sound positional play and making the right choices that perhaps keep the offensive numbers down?

    If he does that the contract will look better and better over time.

  6. Pure_Moose

    He’s a great player. He fucked himself signing that deal on a contending team. However, we wouldn’t be here without him.

  7. Spare_Real

    Fantastic player and person. Legit top pairing guy who plays the tough minutes as well as anyone in the league.

  8. AssumptionSome4201

    Do you know what the fuck you can do with an aluminum tube? Aluminium!!

  9. FirstFlight

    I call dibs on making next week’s Nurse appreciation thread, since we’re doing them weekly now it seems.

  10. Deddicide

    Nurse’s cap percent is gonna shrink significantly over the next few years. While he’s at his best.

  11. russelljonesya

    I once saw Darnell Nurse get his nostrils waxed, then flex and say “I would rather get punched in the face.” Been a huge fan ever since.

  12. SoldierHawk

    There’s a reason my flair never changes despite the shit talking.

  13. dwtougas

    If Jay and Silent Glen switch to zone coverage instead of man coverage, Nurse will live up to his contract.

  14. murrbuck

    This guy is a stud defenseman. Ignoring the contract I am a huge fan. When a D-man makes a mistake it can be a glaring one that everyone notices. He does make a few of those but does so many things we’ll that go unnoticed.

    To the oilers fans out there, do NOT run this guy out of town and cheer for him!

  15. fakeairpods

    I mean he’s alright, overrated af tho. If you like mediocre or satisfactory but not especially good players than,he’s your guy. Personally if I could give Nurse one tip or pointer is:

    Practice shots from the blue line. Take like a hundred pucks. Put them all on the blue line and practice, practice, practice. Slapshots, and accuracy.

    I say this because his accuracy is atrocious, he needs to work on his shot for a defense men.

  16. samueLLcooljackson

    nurse is a fucken workhorse. I am happy that he’s in our core to take us to glory that will come in the next 3 years.

  17. LogieThePerogie

    He is a good defenseman just not worth 9.5 million

  18. temporarilyundead

    Darnell Nurse is a warrior. Our warrior.

    One thing the Oilers as a team don’t do great at 5×5 is get the defence involved in the offence. Nurse is a great skater , but he has never had a D partner he could fully trust to cover , and our forwards are not playing a system where they are responsible for covering. That system is going to change this season, and we are going to regularly see Nurse on the rush. Offensive numbers are about to increase. Defensive numbers will get better too under a more coherent team defensive plan. Nurse gonna thrive.

  19. Kushkraze

    I just wish he’d stopped backing up the traffic on stony plain road 🤪

  20. No_Nefariousness1510

    I’d appreciate DN more if he played better in the defensive zone. And if he doesn’t like the criticism, then he should have took 8 mil instead of 9.25 so I don’t feel sorry for him in the slightest.

  21. TheValiumKnight

    A Nurse appreciation post? I’d have bet I was more likely to find Jesus or the holy grail.

    Well, I’ll be damned.

  22. KimJongPewnTang

    Real fans know that we would be be an even bigger mess on the back end without him. I know I’ve done my fair share of blaming, but he’s somewhat of a unicorn when it comes to his size speed and grit.

  23. WhoAmITheLaw

    Would highly appreciate it if he gets traded or bought out

  24. mofodave

    Valuable player but he needs to bounce back this szn.
    Him being overpaid isn’t his fault. The only things he needs to be accountable for is his play. Not his salary.
    If he’s able to improve on certain elements of his game, we’ll be lucky to have him as a top pairing guy.
    things like his positional play and his decisions with the puck for example.

  25. YeetingtonTheUnitard

    He’s an egg and about as useful as one

  26. Flashy_Chemist154

    He is overpaid , but if they offered any of us that kind of money , we would all jump at the opportunity. Not his fault they agreed to that contract

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