
Felicia Wennberg calls out ‘Booktok’ community on TikTok for sexually harassing her husband Alex

Felicia Wennberg calls out ‘Booktok’ community on TikTok for sexually harassing her husband Alex

by Benchamb


  1. elishiten

    Reminder also that the Seattle Kraken tiktok admin has been encouraging this shit for a while posting videos for the thirsty hockey booktok community and invited the woman who shares most of this stuff on TikTok, Kierra Lewis, to a game with the sign “Krack my back” in front of everyone, including players’ families. She commented the same thing on Vince Dunn’s instagram multiple times too.

    Edit: of course now the tiktok people are attacking Felicia in her instagram comments calling her racist and insecure.

  2. Someone had the ELI5 on this for old people who hate TikTok?

  3. SadYotesFan

    She does raise an excellent point and you can tell she knows what she’s talking about

    It puts Alex in a difficult spot, especially having a child that will at some point see this in the future with how the internet works

  4. CheesecakeOdd2087

    Makes me think of that South Park episode. “Miss Stevenson? That the hot one? …..Nice”

  5. I’d be curious to know more about this. I think of Booktok generally as the part of Tiktok where people read and discuss books. There’s Romance Booktok, Crime Booktok, etc. With romance, a lot of tiktoks are people (usually women) showing a book and discussing its premise. I have seen tiktoks too where people use film footage and have text describing a central conflict. Sounds like some people have been using film of her husband to describe a book, which led to thirsty comments about her husband? I think people being thirsty on the internet is the story of the internet but it would weird me out to be the subject of any of this.

  6. Timberrr15

    Hmmm, did not have this one on my hockey bingo board

  7. greg19735

    I have no problem with Wennberg calling these weird comments out, especially going into the DMs. Her and her husband’s feelings are their own and they’re welcome to call out whatever they feel is inappropriate.

    but i do think some of the pearl clutching here is a bit weird. Redditors will make the exact same type of jokes. People post ridiculously over the tip thirsts and just tag it /r/canesfanfics
    and no one is upset. But because it’s women on TikTok they’re ruining the internet?

    It might be a bit weird to have references and signs in the arena. but people also celebrate other signs that are far more “toxic”.

  8. LVAthleticsWSChamps

    This is just a chronic problem across the sports world. A really simple anecdotal example is I once got temp banned from a sports sub in a post that was focused on how hot an athlete was training without a shirt. He was training with an equally attractive woman and I made a comment about her and they temp banned me explaining that they wanted to ensue that the community felt safe and welcoming for women. 80% of the comments were sex jokes about the guy in the post lol

    But you can see a million examples like this every day, especially on places like Reddit and other social media sites. There’s absolutely nothing stopping people from drooling over athletes. Like shoot, just look at the NFL sub when all the Deshaun Watson stuff was happening. You’d get two posts complaining about how evil he is with comments begging for him to get raped in prison. Then the next three posts would be drilling over the arms or abs or ass of some player. People cover it up as humor, but going into any thread on say the baseball sub or nba sub and you’ll see tons of sex jokes about thirsting for the guys. I bet you won’t see that if there were threads for women’s sports.

    Idk, it’s just something in sensitive to i guess. I spent years between being an athlete, coaching athletes, and being in the military where I’m constantly reminded the importance of treating people right and not sexualizing anyone, let alone causing sexual harm, only to see people, including many women, do it constantly. I played hockey and lacrosse in college and later coached football in college and the sexualization of players is widespread. To some extent it’s welcomed by the players, I admit that, but the online communities take it too far and it’s just not good.

  9. Squat1998

    Whenever I bring up how weird it is that some people in the canes sub literally post pictures of the players stretching and making incredibly sexual comments about them I’m downvoted into oblivion. It’s strange and a huge double standard and I’m glad there’s some light being drawn on it

  10. klefbom

    Wait until she finds out about the tens of thousands of men’s hockey real-person NSFW fanfictions out there… 😬

    This is a different perspective than what we usually hear, she has a good point. Women are just as capable of sexual harassment as men, and it shouldn’t be considered more acceptable when a woman is the perpetrator.

  11. Philintheblank90

    If it ends in “tok” I’m avoiding it like the plague.

  12. thegonzojoe

    20 some odd years ago, I noticed my now ex-wife would rapidly minimize her browser anytime I came near. When I confronted her on it she eventually confessed it was Live Journal and she was reading and writing hockey player slash fic.

    She met who is now her best friend when they collaborated on a multi-volume series focusing on Kris Draper and Kirk Maltby’s marriage and their adopted children.

    As collaborators, they eventually moved onto Supernatural slash fic (no Wincest, thank god).

    Anyway, I guess the point is that I didn’t realize how much I wanted to share this story on Reddit until now, but there it is.

  13. Sweetwater156

    If the official team social media encouraged this, then shame on them. Most NHL players have a wife, girlfriend, or kids who can read that stuff. I enjoy handsome hockey players but I keep it to myself. I’d never DM a player or be so crass as to comment that “he can put that in all three holes”.

    I feel bad for her. I don’t watch the kraken but it’s obvious this is bothering her.

  14. livingtrying

    I’m glad she’s saying this. It’s a bit uncomfortable (even as the target demographic), and I’ve seen inappropriate comments on videos from junior league teams, which really starts getting weird when some of those guys are very young.

  15. Designer_Tear

    It’s scary how quickly teams started pandering to booktok this season once the kraken had success with it.

    I’m sure the kraken social media admin didn’t anticipate fans crossing the line the way they did, but they absolutely should not have continued to pander to booktok once videos like the one in the screenshot were made (4 months ago).

    Fans of this tiktoker are now attacking Felicia in her comment section, calling her racist, insecure, and saying she’s having marital problems.

  16. yosoyboi

    I mean, my girlfriend and I routinely thirst after a certain hockey player on the Oilers, but we don’t make it weird by posting it all over the internet.

  17. gothenburgpig

    Wait until she sees the rest of TikTok and what they post about players like Jack Hughes and Trevor Zegras…

  18. mirrorball27

    Another thing that has always pissed me off about hockey booktok is not only do they sexualize the players, they sexualize women who work in sports. There was a girl who posted a video about being a team photographer and all the comments were “omg did you see the way he looked at you?!? He wants you so bad” like sis, that’s her coworker.

  19. isuckathockey69

    I’m surprised more people don’t know about the book Tok thing around hockey, i thought this was a known thing

  20. Le8ronJames

    Someone had to say it. Crazy the double standards. Thirst about a hockey player and you get invited to a game. Imagine saying all that shit about a women hockey player….

  21. jdshowtime12

    Booktooks w*nkb*nk. ????? What the fuck does this mean?!

  22. that-bro-dad

    I just love that the booktok flavor of the proverbial week is hockey players.

    There is nothing attractive about hockey players. Source: I’ve played hockey most of my life.

    My wife likes to say she loves me *in spite of* me being a hockey player.

    Similarly, the pros only get ladies because they are pros.

    The guys on my beer league team are all getting a real kick out of this fad and are asking our wives and girlfriends why they don’t thirst after us post game like the people in these books thirst after hockey players

  23. Firebitez

    The amount of comments that in here saying that people should be able to borderline sexually harras the player is kinda creepy.

  24. Not gonna comment on the main issue itself cuz I think pretty much everything has already been said but

    >When we were expecting our son, I knew how important it was to raise him to treat people and especially women with respect *if he were to identify as straight*

    Just wanted to say I really respect that she added on that last part. In a sport with a community pretty well known for toxic masculinity, it’s refreshing to see stuff like that

    Edit: oops forgot a word

  25. ppParadoxx

    reading through some of the insane unhinged comments on tiktok I swear booktok acts like they’re a marginalized group. Literally saying “how dare they do this to us, they’re losing our support” like please touch grass

  26. sparklesnkcups

    I have felt that many of the comments on booktok have crossed the line to becoming sexually predatory and gross.

    I also find it disappointing because it makes it look like women sports fans are just fans because they don’t understand the sports, they’re just there for the men.

  27. seraaa_123

    She’s well within her rights to voice when something is making her uncomfortable

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