@Philadelphia Flyers


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  1. Piss on the ass wipe that doesn't like a man standing up for his rights

  2. Who's that pink sweater Fool? Telling the player to go back to wherever he came from. I believe the same way the player does , and I'm from here . Make me go somewhere b**

  3. You are allowed to believe in something different from the next person. I mean, we have people that believe the earth is flat and that's okay, but if you don't fall in line with something that is politically driven, you act like it's a crime against humanity!

  4. I thought it’s not forced, i mean he wasn’t hating on the people in that community, he said it’s just against his believes that’s why he didn’t want to wear them

  5. Everybody not wit the BS. That’s not normal so stop tryna normalize it. If that’s what you like, do you!! Stop pushin it on others!!

  6. Those losers should leave our country, so we can bring in migrants that appreciate our country. I'll take Nigerian's and ect that speak 3-7 different languages all day. Most foreign people speak a couple languages. Some speak and write english better than some of my fellow caucasian's that lives in our country.

  7. So if I like dogs more than cats I'm felineaphobic?hhhmmm..I wonder what the next rend will be and all these knuckleheads are forgotten one really cares they are sheep in a heard following the sheep dog..bah bah little sheep

  8. So, it’s racist to say to illegal immigrants to go back where they come from, but it’s ok to say that to any individual who doesn’t comply with the woke agenda.
    The pendulum will swing back and it will hit hard.

  9. The funniest thing about this is all he said was 'No thanks, not for me', and the North American sports media lost their collective shit…a guy up here in Canada (I want to say it was Sid Sixeiro, but I'm not sure) was nearly to the point of rage tears talking about it.

  10. I got a better idea. The hockey player stays in America and anyone who didn’t like what he did can freely go to another country. Trust me we do NOT want you here.

  11. All the haters can go suck a bag of ducks like they enjoy!!!! He’s supposed to respect what they like but they don’t have to show the same respect??!! GTFO

  12. Free country buddy, and your wanting him to leave because of his beliefs, willd the 1% is trying to force their beliefs on the whole population and if you don't agree you will be smeared, slandered and bashed

  13. Taking a stand in Seattle is no easy thing. They demand honoring diversity but have absolutely no intention of doing it themselves…

  14. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck it ain't no chicken.
    If you are born with a dick you are a man.
    If you are born with a pussy you are a woman.
    No matter how you mash it up, man is man and woman is woman, those are the cards you were dealt with, suck it up and get on with your own life.

  15. Screw Pride Stupidity!!! Confusion has no direction. Lucifer keeps them in their confusion and on the path towards his Kingdom. Yes he leads the sheep to a place of flames and disparity!

  16. We all need to do what Ivan did, live life our way, not the fkn elites way. Stand up and b a man.

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