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Craig Jones vs Nicholas Meregali In The Gi At Brown Belt!? (Throwback Match)

Nicholas Meregali and Craig Jones compete against eachother at the 2016 World Pro in the brown belt gi division!

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  1. To those asking why 2:06 wasn't counted as a sweep. It's because Meregali was in side control. For it to count as a sweep, you need to be in some kind of guard. If you're not in a guard and you take your opponent from top to bottom, it counts as a reversal, not a sweep and you don't get points for a reversal. It'd be like rolling your opponent from top mount to closed guard. It would only count as a reversal.

  2. Sempre tem umas biatch falando merda nos vídeos pensando que vão passar batida🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  3. Mr authenticity vs the #1 grappler in the world before they were really famous

  4. Craig Jones … how can you fly like an eagle when you surround yourself with pluvers. You're found yourself in the wrong room.

  5. Even though Craig lost. Lame point rule. He clearly used a pendulum style sweep/escape with his leg to come to the top position which should have been 2pts.

  6. cristal clean to me why C. Jones makes fun of GI BJJ. I am yet to see a world GI champion make fun of it and dismiss it.

  7. Craig has been doing that stupid little knee pit pendulum thing for a long time huh

  8. This is like one of those Sci fi prequels where it's before Nic was evil and Craig became a Jedi. FFS even Mergalli even looks like Anakin

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