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McKenzie: Sparks is now the Leafs’ No. 3 goaltender behind Hutchinson

TSN Hockey Insider Bob McKenzie joins Leafs Lunch to discuss Michael Hutchinson’s recall and how he outplayed Garret Sparks for the Maple Leafs backup job heading into the playoffs


  1. Good. Hutchinson deserves another shot. He’s been solid in the AHL and has a .908 % in the NHL. That’s not bad. Looking forward to seeing what Dubas does next season.

  2. Shouldn't have taken this long to realize Sparks isn't an NHL goalie. They signed him for another yr too. Sure he did well last yr in the AHL , but clearly was in over his head with the big boys. Too bad they didn't give Hutch more NHL time this yr. But, he's way better than Sparks.

  3. #1 the leafs made the correct choice keeping the younger guy, 5 more wins per year wasn't gonna matter anyway. #2 that sounds harsh just throwing his stuff out of his stall.

  4. The shocking thing about Sparks is how bad his positional play is – never-mind he has lost all confidence. There was one game I saw him play where he looked completely calm and didn't overplay anything – that was 1 game – in every other game he is just doing too much or sitting there in panic mode. This can happen to goalies so good on the Leafs for attempting a fix – but he is not coming back ever. For how much the Leafs pay people on their staff, this is just a shockingly bad indictment of everyone involved in not seeing this earlier – his position play was dreadful – WTF were they thinking and not seeing? Plus his personality seems to be that of a nervous guy who is not calm and in control – a personality type that should never ever be a goalie. Fire the entire goalie staff

  5. Nice to see Hutch back up. Hopefully we won't have to see him play. (in the playoffs)

  6. Wanted to root for Sparks but god he turned into a milk bag. not NHL ready

  7. Well with what has been said this isn't true. He's on a training stint with goalie coaches until the playoffs. He will be evaluated then, and he still will probably be the back up in the playoffs.

  8. Marlies were stacked last year this year not so much sparks should of been on the Marlies this year to really show his skill with a less talented Marlies then the Calder cup one

  9. why now? should have sent sparks packing 7 months ago. kyle dufas has been doing too many mushrooms lately. anyone could see he was not nhl caliber, and dubas did nothing to solve the problem.

  10. need to be the best goalie in the nhl remember most nights you play with no defence if it was not for anderson they would have even made the playoffs.

  11. Sparks has had a dismal season. And the Leafs have looked really bad in their last 10-15 games. If they don’t do something, Boston’s going to sweep them in the first round.

  12. Sparks is that guy that keeps telling you he's good enough, and time and time again you are disappointed. He's god awful, should be working the snack bar at the arena.

  13. Im a habs fan and this guy is bar non the second worst G in the league after niemi and im being god honest

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