@New York Islanders

Cal Clutterbuck vs Steve Staios Jan 30, 2009

Cal Clutterbuck vs Steve Staios from the Minnesota Wild at Edmonton Oilers game on Jan 30, 2009.


  1. Nice hit. Oilers need more of that this year.

    Can't believe Clutterbuck didn't get an instigator on the play…

  2. futt bucker.. if i was staois, i'd keep the gloves on and let him wail on me… clean hit. dipshit gets the penalty.. kapow!

  3. Clean hit. Judging from this season it appears one can no longer hit the opponent cleanly without a goon jumping you.

    Something needs to be done. We see this daily.

  4. clutterbuck is in the rare breed of power fowards like Lucic,Brown,Getzlaf,Morrow, can get points fight and check(in clutterbucks case leads in hits)

  5. ????dont think so, it was a pretty even fight they were close to punch for punch and clutterbuck is the one who went down at the end, staios gets the edge

  6. RyBranR-Clusterfuck needs to take off his visor.

    If Cal needs to then Staios needs to…??

  7. clutterbuck is a bitch, staios woulda landed some real nice shots to the face if he wasnt wearin that visor, clutterbuck is a pussy and takes his helemt off after hes done fightin cause hes too shameful to skate to the box with his visor on

  8. i would like to commend you on your punctuation. truly valiant of you.

    next i would like to point out the fact that you're a dumbass. no shit it's hockey. people hit, and they hit hard. but that was a clean hit, i don't know what clutterbuck is upset about.

  9. Clean hit, he didn't lean his feet. Many times someone will come off there feet on impact.

    Kind of like how a shark will completely leave the water when it goes after a cut out of a seal that it thinks is the real seal… Basically he put in more power than was needed to run him over.

  10. I like the way Cal plays the game. He's intense and doesn't take cheap shots, he just plays hard and sticks up for line mates. I'd love to have'em on the Hawks.

  11. u know what clutterdick sucks ass same with misota staios owned both of them it doent matter if u have a visor or not dumb shit its if your a good foighter OILERS KICK ASS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. huh.. my cousin ''clutterbuck'' pwns ass. He gets unlucky sometimes, and sometimes he get pwnd too. He is tough, he is a defender. He got the most hits last years. Long life Clutty 😀

  13. because Ott is a bitch, clutterbuck isn't a fighter, he hits clean and pisses the other team off beyond what they can handle so they lash out, a more fair fight would be boogieman vs ott…. stfu

  14. @VeriSheri Either way Steve Ott is such a douche bag he really belongs on the Anaheim Ducks with Ryan Getzlaf.

  15. @RyleKule …you know nothing about Ott. He is very loved here in Dallas and we will gladly keep him, thank you.

  16. @VeriSheri of course he is; he's a love him/hate him guy just like the Sedin brothers in Vancouver or Jarome Iginla in Calgary. They're great if they're on your team but otherwise they are a thorn in your side. Quite frankley Steve Ott loves to instigate in my opinion and though he doesn't play for Minn anymore I'd love to see him go at it with Derek Boogaard.

  17. fuckk the oilers.
    i love the wild.
    i love matt cullen.
    i love cal clutterbuck.

  18. @ApachePiL0T INSTIGATING while wearing a Visor is an additional MINOR penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct tacked on top of the fighting, instigating, etc. It's more so the fact that its hard plastic that can break fingers and knuckles than a sharp edge cutting hands.

    Players should know that it's not smart to step up to a guy with a visor, especially when it's a clean hit, and any injuries caused by the fight are on them

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