@Vancouver Canucks

Maple Leafs Post-Game: Travis Dermott – January 6, 2018

Travis Dermott addresses the media following Toronto’s 3-2 shootout win over Vancouver on Saturday night.


  1. Kid already impresses me more than Gardiner. I hope he stays but even if he doesn't, I think he's going to have a great career with the leafs.

  2. This guy was passed over for Polak and Marincin? My god he looked like our second best defenseman out there tonight after Rielly. I really hope he stays with the club and gets regular playing time and Babcock stops having his gay man crush on Polak and lets real NHL players play the blue line.

  3. Love this guy, he's really awesome. hope he gets more chances with the team.

  4. I wonder how many games til Babs trains him to stop passing and just dump the puck in the corner off the glass. I've been screaming for this guy to be with the big club. I could have sworn he pretty much secured a spot during the preseason.
    He is a first pairing D man. What horrible mistake to sit Borgman, should have sat Polak or Carrick. God I hate Gardiner, Rielly and our D in genreal taking all the shots when Nylander, Mathews, Marleau are wide open on the PP. Those are two selfish pricks.

  5. We're so proud of you! You did amazing, kept calm just like we knew you would. You're gonna be here for a long time, dude 💙💙

  6. some players are meant to be on the nhl ice… hes one of them… awesome Game Travis i thought he should of made the team in the beginning of the season for better deffence

  7. Very positional sounded defenceman…smooth skater and smart… Leafs may have a gem to go forward.. Keep playing him Bab.

  8. The most important part of a defenceman is gap control…. Travis is off the chart for that.. Keep watching closely… Liljegren was impressed at the wjc too…leafs D prospects continue developing.. Future is bright.

  9. First game, gets a point. Good start, really hope he stays up. And I REALLY hope he's not being used as trade bait for a different D – he's exactly what the Shanaplan is all about.

  10. This Guy was amazing and in his nhl debut he was like the 2nd best defencman out there behind Morgan. He’s already better than half of our defenders

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