@San Jose Sharks

Capitals enraged after Bonino sells high stick from Oshie

T.J. Oshie had to sit in the box in the final minutes of a 3-2 game after Nick Bonino looked to sell a “high stick” call that was more than questionable.


  1. Huge Penguins fan. Haaate the caps. Hate ovechkin for whacking Crosby in the head, turning into him having to now suffer another concussion. I saw this, and I flat out wanted Pittsburgh to lose. That's disgusting. No class. I have no respect for him. Injuries are obviously worse, but a close second, is doing that bullshit. There's just no excuse for that, there's no controversy, no doubt of what happened, just a classless move

  2. It's funny how everyone is bitching about Bonino but Oshie did the exact same thing last year in the playoffs. Crapitals fans need to stop complaining.

  3. can't blame the ref, from his angle it looked like he got him…. but damn, that's weak

  4. In all honesty bonino is just flinching, he doesn't mean to sell at first but then he realizes what's happening and then sells it, still shouldn't have been a penalty

  5. way to go binino. just like oshies dive last year looks like you took a page out from his book 😅😅 now caps know how it feels. caps fans remember oshie doing the something similar ? yeah its easy to forget when its your fave team doing something like this. what did berry trots say when sid got cross checked in the head ? oh yeah its a hockey play. 😅😅

  6. Crosby's Penguins will forever be known as the team that made ref whining… art. It's a shame as they have talent and skill, but because of this constant adolescent behavior whatever they accomplish will forever be tainted. Begging calls is embarassing to watch. Hard to root for these guys.

  7. Please penalize him for it. Lets not allow the great sport of Hockey to fall victim to phony reactions. It happens in soccer all the time and they are ruining soccer with it.

  8. Everyone's pissed at Bonino but forgot that Oshie did the exact same thing last year lmao

  9. That embellishment was beyond shameful. hearing him say he thought it was a stick when it was actually his shoulder pad? Not buying it

  10. Bonino claims that he felt his shoulder pad hit him in the side of the face, and that's why he threw his head back. On the replay, even THAT doesn't happen.

  11. Subban was fined when he actually took contact and was actually kneed in the face, but this was completely okay???? Pens received a power play and bonino wasnt fined… NHL PLEASE EXPLAIN.

  12. In the rule book even if a stick comes near someone's head regardless if it hits him or not it's a penalty

  13. The idiot ref was Steve Kozari. Blatantly and inarguably bad calls like this should carry fines, just like players or coaches get.

  14. Couldn't have happened to a nastier group of players, the Washington Capitals. Karma is a tough thing sometimes. Haha.

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