@Toronto Maple Leafs

Michael Bunting embellishment – Have your say!

Ryan McLeod did get an inference penalty here, but Michael Bunting was dinged for embellishment as well. Was it fair?


  1. Not sure how that's embellishment. McLeod got a good hit with his bum.

  2. The hip check was interference, as for embellishment he squeezed past the check them made a spin-a-rama and backwards flop, so ya it was embellishment, good call.

  3. Not enough camera angles to determine, as we are not seeing what officials saw. Also was the embellishment act the fall itself, or what he did after?

  4. Bunting is an Oscar best actor, don't you know? lol Funny no one complains Bunting cross check anymore

  5. the only reason bunting got embelishment here is because of his reputation and the refs being bad at their jobs. This was a horribly officiated game

  6. Bunting got a penalty simply because the situation was initially escalated by him. They were both going at each other from the time of the puck drop. Correct call – both of you go sit for two

  7. Bunting is a punk, in this case his coach is using him as a decoy to keep opposing players from keying on Tavares and Nylander who proving more and more to be pussies

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