@National Hockey League

Jeff Petry has been traded (again)

Jeff Petry has been traded (again)

by No-ConspiracyTheory


  1. Odd-Valuable1370

    I honestly don’t know how to feel about this.

  2. Isphet71

    I love it.

    Righties: Seider – Petry – Holl
    Lefties: Walman – Gostisbehere – Maataa – Chiarot

    I’m very comfortable with that

  3. _makoccino_

    50% retained and *that’s* what we get back?!

  4. jwt6577

    THG is probably already working on a “My Jeff Petry jersey collection.” It’ll have to be six hours long.

  5. Responsible_Ad1125

    Thank you Stevie.

    2.3 mil for a ‘starter’ on our shitty defense.

    Easy money. Unless you’re a Montreal fan…

  6. bluAstrid

    Petry has been traded 4 times in his career, and each of these trades was with us.

  7. Werewolf_tickleduck

    I kinda like this trade. 🤷‍♂️

  8. Hutch25

    This is such a weird trade to me.

    Petry doesn’t seem like the kind of guy Detroit needs right now considering he’s not a particularly hard worker, and he isn’t much of a veteran presence as far as I have seen. But what do I know, I’m not a GM.

    I was sure if anyone bit on Petry it was gonna be Edmonton

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