@Minnesota Wild

Why Was Merril Hoge So Out On Johnny Manziel Before The 2014 NFL Draft? | 04/26/23

Former NFL RB Merril Huge joins the Dan Patrick Show and discusses his viral clip with Skip Bayless talking about Johnny Manziel as well as why he was out on Manziel before the 2014 NFL Draft


  1. Little did we know back when this interview took place that Dan was just a few short months away from his retirement tour. Ahhh the good ol days

  2. He was spot on with Vince Young. He was far better than these clowns on ESPN now. We love you Mr Hoge!

  3. Hoge former NFL player. Bayless never put shoulder pads. ??? I wondering who is a better judge of talent???

  4. With all his knowledge, no nonsense take on the game he actually played, the fact ESPN let him go for someone more exciting tells me all I need to know about ESPN.

  5. There’s nothing wrong with sandlot football in college. You can be quite successful doing that shit at that level. However if you’re an NFL franchise looking to draft a franchise QB to put your team on the path to success, then a free wheeling, party animal, sandlot mentality college QB who is averse to studying is not what you want. I was astounded Johnny Football was ever a serious draft prospect.

  6. Manzeil failed cause in college he was able to ad lib and his idiot coach never taught him to read a defense or stay in pocket and pass and in NFL you must be able to do that. Scramblers in NFL get killed he had zero QB skills just a great scramble, at college level does not work when every player on other side of ball is best college defensive player at that position. Most college defenses have 1 or 2 maybe 3 NFL guys NFL defenses have lets see…….. 11 nfl players LOL

  7. The documentary just confirmed the train wreck called Johnny Manziel…. But also it showed how full of crap the ESPN talking heads were when they were repeating the lie about Johnny coming from a "rich oil family" to excuse all of the luxury items around him. Skip and his friends either knew it was a lie and kept repeating it or didn't know and continually repeated something they never bothered to verify.

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