@Calgary Flames

John Scott on Milan Lucic’s fighting style

John Scott analyzes the fight between Milan Lucic and Blue Jackets forward Mathieu Olivier.

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  1. Lucic just got on the ice and suckered him before his gloves could come off.. that he’s the best no way..

  2. RYAN NUGENT HOPKINS IS TOP FIGHTER NOW.. Milan ur on notice ☝️😎💋

  3. What does Scott know about fighting? Or being a skilled hockey player for that matter? The only talent he has is reach. He can’t take a punch at all. McQuaid rag-dolled him after his cheap blind side hit to Erickson.

  4. Lucic got hit good shots to you know, that dude Oliver hit him 5 good shots to his face so don't say he didn't get hit because he did. 👊👊👊👊🤛🤜🤛🤜

  5. Im a Bs fan and I’ll always love Looch, but I do remember when he backed down from John Scott… one of the rarest things you’ll see is Lucic saying no to a scrap.

  6. Luc punches through the target, not just lands them. That's the biggest difference in any punch. That technique unlocks punching power that only exists with that technique.

  7. If Lucic had his way he'd simply play the game of hockey exclusively and not get involved in the fighting aspect of the game unless he absolutely had to. He's at a point in his career where he just wants to play the game the correct way and try to help his team win.

  8. What I think makes him so dominant is the way he uses his jersey jab to throw off the other guy when he’s trying to throw. Milan will throw one shot and right before the other guy tries to answer he jabs them and they can’t throw. Then he fires another shot in and right after jobs again to prevent the answer. The best example of this is when he fought Scott sanbourin the most recent time. Scott couldn’t even get a punch off because Lucie times his jabs so well

  9. Just because your opponent has a lousy grab on your oversized jersey does not make you a great fighter.

  10. He learn how to throw straight down the pipe because he got his ass kick by Colton Orr who threw down the pipe to his nose. He's a good fighter. But I know he learned by getting that ass whooped by Orr

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