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Paul Bissonnette Weighs In On Incident Involving Matthew Tkachuk And Zack Kassian | Tim and Sid

NHL insider Paul Bissonnette joined Tim and Sid to discuss the incident involving Matthew Tkachuk and Zack Kassian plus much more.

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  1. I like how Oiler fans are calling kassian BS ‘old school’ but continue to cry on the first hit tkachuk have him… GG

  2. Should not get any games, Kassian was fine to fight. Battle of Alberta has been renergized !

  3. I’d give up the flashy goals of today’s NHL for the grit and passion of the 80s and 90s NhL in a heartbeat. The NHL is a pansy shell of what it used to be.

  4. EZ fix: flames’ biggest guy attack oilers’ top scorer from behind & doesn’t let him fight back. done. evensteven. (ok, their 2nd top scorer) (no, their 3rd top scorer) now even.

  5. Love the Biz, but he's wrong with comparing it to if Johnny or Monny got hit like that. Of course Flames fans wouldn't want their stars to be hit like that, but Tkachuk didn't hit McDavid or Yamamoto like that, he hit their BIG.
    So if you want to compare, that 'd be like Draisaitl hitting Lucic borderline legally and then having Lucic rag-doll him around.

  6. Hard to figure out Sportnet/ Rogers.

    They overpay on their NHL Right deal (they could have got it for probably half the money they spent). Then to save a couple of bucks they move on from Doug MacLean and Nick Kypreos. So now on all their platforms they bring in more of Todd Warriner (who I really like), more of Brian Burke, and lately a lot more of Paul Bissonnette.

    I really don't think those 3 are working for free, so what was the point of moving on from Kypreos and MacLean?

  7. I didn't see anything wrong with either hit… If you don't want to get hit, don't play hockey. If you skate around looking at the puck or the ice, you are going to get leveled, by a sharp player who sees the chance. Kassian had plenty of time to spot Tkachuk, and prepare himself for a hit. If you get rocked, you only have yourself to blame. Punching a guy that is down on the ice? That's a lack of respect for the GAME.

  8. I dont know how Beavis and butthead still have a talk show. Just brutal….typical Maple leafs fans…

  9. Four strides on the first hit….butt first
    Second charge from up top with Kassian susceptible…cheap shot
    Four or five if you count the stutter step…
    Rules are clear…two strides coast
    Kassian may not be a saint by any means…
    But neither is Tzcachuk

  10. Oilers have a great pk and could have killed the penalty in the early third …they didn’t and they didn’t score the penalty is not the reason they did not win that game as Tippet pointed out

  11. Biz nasty is dead on! The first hit isn't dirty but that doesn't mean it shouldn't have been looked at and when he does it a second time you just gotta stand up for yourself, this is the perfect example of why there is fighting in hockey. To what he said you should be able to take a hit without fighting, of course! And they do!! BUT if it had been reversed and those hits had been on any of Calgary's 1st or 2nd lines they'd be all up in arms. And yeah id say he most definitely he had a few screws knocked loose it probably took a few seconds for him to get a grip, it's happened to me too. Biz is just on fire

  12. Bissonette is spot on. The NHL still draws because there is so much corporate and disposable personal income out there. But the minute this economy slows, people are not going to pay to watch the product currently being put forth. Hockey needs the rivalries and the fights to keep people engaged, particularly during the regular season. The NHL has gone too far in it's legislation against fighting and allowing the players to police the game themselves. The NHL needs rivalries like the Battle of Alberta.

  13. Forget about the Kassian incident. Be sure not to miss the coach's corner segment tonight on HNIC. "Judas" MacLean is hosting a social justice segment designed to stamp out the rampant racism in the NHL. This will bring those tanking ratings back up to Cherryesque levels! We must follow intersectionality protocols and implement a quota system for draftees to reflect diversity. 20% of Canada's population is non caucasian. I don't see that reflected on the ice. Thank goodness "Judas" Maclean is there to lecture on the NHL's and its' fan's blatant racism. Mandatory race parity now! End racism in hockey! Quotas now! Intersectionality now!!!! (sarc off). #Getwokegobroke

  14. Because the failure of the league to teach players to respect the game and the refs to officiate, the best payback for Kassian is for the top scorers from Calgary to get hit and injured – why go after Tchuck, when it would be better payback for Oilers to lose one of their top scorers — you like that Flames? This is what is going to happen because of the NHL's failure to punish head hunters – all hits to the neck or head need to be removed from the game.

  15. Tkachuk intentionally goes out to injure players. He does it game after game. One of these days Tkachuk will get hammered. Calgary is a dirty club.

  16. Wow that was like the most informative interview I’ve ever seen. They need to give him his own show, the way he tried to make sense of it for alllll of us who haven’t actually played but love to watch, was extremely helpful. I don’t know if I’ve ever taken all of that into account when a guy gets hit. I can’t imagine what it’s like to get rocked like that. But saying it’s like a car accident. That sounds very accurate. Thanks a lot Paul, will continue to watch spitting chicklets over these two morons from now on!

  17. Hes so right ! sids a fruit bag!! way to turtle just like tkachuck sid … Weak ! wont ever watch this show again cause of this fruit on the right

  18. These guys are in denial of a simple fact of hockey rules. There is such a thing as a hit that's both legal and worth dropping the gloves over.

  19. That first hit doesn’t really look illegal, tho? Yeah, he comes up a bit, but unless it’s a clean jump they almost always let those hits go. It contacts the shoulder and therefore doesn’t require penalization, let alone suspension. However, kassian throwing punches on a mostly defenseless tkachuk, because he was hit hard, could be suspendable. It would be one thing to retaliate after the hit, ragdolling and such (punch or two), but he throws 7 plus punches to the back of his head. Seems to me like he doesn’t like a taste of his own medicine.

  20. Maybe if Kassian hadn't attacked Tkachuk from behind he wouldn't have been suspended. And the latest kick by Kassian shows that he's got a screw loose.

  21. Kassian 6th liner plug.. Tkachuk is a superstar, shouldn't need to fight a minor leaguer

  22. NHL fan but not a rules expert and won't pretend to be one. With that said, can anyone describe why either/both hits are penalties? I do understand charging and can understand that viewpoint but anything else I'd ask for some insight.

  23. Both hits were beautiful hockey checks ….Zack learn how to adjust a chin strap

  24. If we want to be a league that "plays the puck" then play the puck, if we want to be a league that believes in intimidation then lets do that. Colby Armstrong made a career of hits like that, as did Stevens, etc… What I was bothered by was Tkachuk trying to play 80's hockey then claiming 2020 rules. Pick a lane.

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