@Toronto Maple Leafs

Leafs Prospect Rodion Amirov Passed Away After 2 Year Battle

Toronto Maple Leafs Prospect Rodion Amirov has passed away after 2 year battle with a brain tumour.


  1. Very very sad😢 I was hoping one day he would play for the Leafs it could have been the greatest comeback story ever

  2. my condolences, it happened at such a young age too, i really thought he was gonna pull through but damn this hits

  3. 72 (which is the number he wore on leafs stuff because of Sitlers 27) Will probably be shadow retired. RIP

  4. As a NY Rangers fan, it’s heartbreaking for this young rookie star and it’s too young, too early for cancer diagnosis. Sending my condolences and sympathy to the Amirov’s family and the whole Toronto Maple Leafs organization. R.I.P. Rodion 🙏💝😞

  5. 2 молодых российских гениальных хоккеистов получили почти в один срок этот страшный диагноз…. Первый уже выздоровел восстановился и уже в следующем сезоне будет играть в НХЛ в Кэпиталз … Амиров к сожалению нас покинул

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