@Colorado Avalanche

Oh boy

Oh boy

by SaladNegative8961


  1. charmingUbluntly

    Someone splain it for me please.

  2. chipperschippers

    Don’t think I want to know what that translates to.


    Fuck yea Val let’s party. I’ll bring the liquor

  4. ElBron21

    You can take the man outta Russia, but you can’t take the Russia outta the man

  5. Feeling_Proposal_350

    Fuck Russian monsters. Fuck Putin. And fuck anyone posing with an assault weapon in Russia while those criminals kill children and schoolteachers in Ukraine. And that includes this prick.

    -a Diehard Avs fan season ticketholder from year one

  6. -cyg-nus-

    Well that’s not a good look… even if his last season didn’t end the way it did. But it’s kinda extra not good, considering.

  7. DevourerJay

    Could someone please remind me what we’re paying this guy?

    And could someone theorize how we could move him?

  8. prettylittlelondon

    You’d think he’d be on his best behavior after everything that happened in April. I was fine to forget it all, but I’ll admit that this isn’t the best look.

  9. AintSingingForCoke

    Oh gawd. That contract is starting to concern me.

  10. Corona_Cyrus

    Is dude becoming more of a distraction than an asset?

  11. chris8816

    After bailing on the team in the playoffs and now this, it might be time to move on from this guy.

  12. MadHutter19

    I am sorry but anyone losing their mind over this post is clueless, dude’s not doing anything illegal or anything that is a “bad look.” Jesus.

  13. sakicno19

    How to screw your career and become a lockeroom cancer by Valeri Nickushkin. Do wtf you want in your personal life but keep that crap out of social media he represents a team and the NHL what a idiot. I like what Nuke brings on the ice but this is no good. Sakic must be pissed.

  14. MrMeme13579

    It’s that time isn’t it? *Looks at watch* panic about that contract time.

  15. skylan01

    If I bailed on my team in the middle of a playoff series I’d probably make an effort not to do stuff like this.

  16. Level_Watercress1153

    🤦🏼‍♂️ some of y’all are way overreacting with this. The shit in the playoffs sucked, and I was just as mad as anyone else. The team has moved on and it’s now a non story and we will never know the actual story. So it is what it is at this point.

    This picture is just Val being Val. They’re not all choir boys and there’s nothing inherently wrong with it either. If it was Helm with an AR-15 y’all would be screaming ‘Murica! Dudes not doing anything wrong. The word says romance. He loves his gun and vehicle. 🤷🏼‍♂️ dude just plastered his IG reels of him working out like crazy and I don’t see that posted? Literally nothing wrong with this pic. It’s not a “bad look,” it’s nothing. It’s a dude enjoying his off-season. He’s not supposed to be here in camp quite yet so I don’t understand the uproar.

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