@New York Islanders

Ian White vs Cal Clutterbuck Jan 27, 2009

Ian White vs Cal Clutterbuck from the Toronto Maple Leafs at Minnesota Wild game on Jan 27, 2009.


  1. Wow, Clutterbuck is a real pussy. Pulls off White's helmet, and then leaves his helmet+visor on.

    White won, anybody who rips off another guys helmet and then leaves his own on with a visor automatically loses in my book. I don't care if he had knocked White out, White still would've been the winner.

  2. Well, wearing a vizor in a fight is not nearly as dangerous as the check from behind by the toronto guy.

  3. if clutterbuck wasnt wearing the shield (and he had ample time to shed it) that left from white would broke his nose

  4. wow… cunterbuck is still wearing a visor… what a dick move.. and then he takes it off AFTER the fight.. classy

  5. F,innn ,,,whimpppp Cluttersuck!! with the shield on what a joke…. would love to see a real heavy hitter get shitterbuck!!!! and clean his clock ,,when his shield is off.. what a looser… ( This is where Don Cherry make's sense !!!! )

  6. Looser , Cluttersuck ,,just doe's that suck….. by the way if you ever knew anything about hockey , you would know that MR. WHITE is a great player. He would never cheap shot anyone and he plays hockey ,,, not goon touch the puck once a game hockey , you tennis fan !!!!!!!

  7. It was a reply to a stupid tennis watching american who think's hockey is a great sport , while he and his boy friend play's tennis . You f,in excuse for a canadian!!!!!! Wow I type short hand here you dic… you must be 400 lbs and live in your room … asking your mom for smaks,,lol If you knew what hockey is or is all about you would understand being a canadian.. oh wait ,,, guess not !!!!!! Oh time for mommy to change your asssssss lol …

  8. I agree he had time ,,, to take the shield off if he wanted to be a man .. thank you ,, squintykiller …

  9. Awesome…and he leaves it on the ice for someone else to bring to him. What a chicken shit. He had plenty of time to take it off when they squared off.

  10. ha I love how everyone hates clutterbuck. Have you dumbasses ever watched him play? Hes one of the hardest workers in the NHL.
    He wears a visor because he doesnt want to get hit in the eye by a slapshot when he dives in front of them and so he doesnt get a stick to the face when he goes and crushes guys 2 times bigger than him.
    Hate all you want. Clutterbuck is the man

  11. Yeah.
    Everytime i hear "Buttercup" or something, i just remind myself that these people just wish they were as tough as him

  12. i get what youre saying, but if they separated for that long, clutterbuddy had plenty of time to remove the helmet and all.

  13. ya but over his career hes rarely started a fight…its something that provoked him…like a cheap shot…this fight wouldnt of happen if the bitch didnt cheap shot him

  14. Anyone who fights and keeps the visor on (if they have the chance to take it off – like Clutterbuck had) is a pussy.

    P.S. – Ian White is a beast, game after game.

  15. It's funny how you seem to know me personally…to give you a quick background, when I played junior I was a 6'4" defense man.

    I'm sure that if you even play hockey, you've been in tons of fights…I hear that fighting is rampant over there in Finland.

  16. 1. I'm talking about Clutterbuck, not Yandle…pay attention. My comment was about Clutterbuck pulling White's helmet off and then not taking his own off when there was a break.
    2.Ian White is a solid and reliable defense man, and anyone who knows the game knows that.
    3. you're an ass clown, who clearly thinks that by being able to skate, makes you an expert on the game.

  17. 1. You said Yandle, but based on your later comments, I understand that it's too difficult to generate original thought or keep track of the two players named in the video. You have my sympathies.
    2. you seem to love dick
    3. your third comment has nothing to do with the video, or any comments at all. On behalf of all real hockey players & fans,please stop watching our sport & trying to dumb it down to your level. Just go back to your fake army & wish you had the balls to enlist in the real thing

  18. I'm sorry but those broadcasters are pretty biased toward Toronto if you ask me. Of all the fights I've watched I don't think I've ever seen them take their helmets off… it's the stick and gloves that get thrown off and helmets come off with punches or grabs during the fight. So I'd say it was White's job to go after Clutterbuck's helmet.

  19. @whodoyouthinkyouare………ok there…good luck with that, lmfao. Internet tough guy, lol.

  20. @ianvolvoofoakville…..lmao….when have you ever seen a hockey fight where they take their own helmets off?? The whole idea is to keep your helmet on and try to rip off your opponents so you can land some clean hits on him.

  21. The legend Lee Stempniak that the Leafs acquired for Alex Steen. Worked out so well for the Budsโ€ฆ

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