@Boston Bruins

The Hit That Literally Ruined A Man’s Career

#nhl #hockey #torontomapleleafs #montrealcanadiens

Eric Lindros was one of NHL hockey’s greatest power forwards. However, one hit would change absolutely everything.

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  1. i was watching Most dangerous players on Scott Stevens recently, nice to see you cover this one really deserves some shine on concussion injury and how we were robbed of a generation star 🌟 🔥🏆

  2. you learn in novice or even tyke not to skate with your head down, not really fair to blame stevens

  3. I would beg to differ! I think the hit that Kasparitus laid on Lindros started to unhinge his ban concussion history and it although a high hit wasn’t to the head. but the way he just fell on the ice gave him the concussion.

  4. Thank god NHL is more skill focused nowadays. That opens up room for smaller and really skilled players that have learned to keep their head up in the neutral zone. Concussion is still a problem in this sport but we are heading in the right direction.

  5. Now do one on Pronger's freak career injury that ushered in a revolving door of horrible trades, signings and draft picks that have ultimately put us out of contention for a decade and still ongoing.

  6. If he did signed with Quebec this would have not happened he just had to respect hockey hockey gave him what he deserved the mistake was in his own ego

  7. To be fair, this looked alot like the trouba hit on meier this year, which was deemed 100% clean since contact with the head was "not avoidable".

  8. No such things as "generational talent" in hockey. It's the quintessential team game.

  9. At the time I hated Lindros because I thought he was a baby for not playing for Quebec. In recent years I've been horrified to learn about his concussions and how they impacted him. I almost couldn't watch this video. Great job on the video, BTW. It made a compelling statement about concussions and how they were poorly handled.

  10. Lindros played a very physical brand of offensive hockey at a time when the game was in flux from the rough and tumble game of the early 80s to the stickwork/speed of today.

    He wasn't afforded the whistle like Gretzky because of his size and physical play.

  11. I wanted my boy to play hockey like Lindros. Stephens was a deplorable cheap shot artist throughout his career.

  12. To be honest I don’t even think this is a penalty in today’s NHL. Lindros cut across the middle of the ice into the attacking zone with his head down. Stevens lined up perfectly square and would have hit Lindros in the middle of his chest between the shoulders had Lindros not had his head down. The contact of the hit being the head is not Stevens fault because he cannot control the fact Lindros has his head down and was already committed to making the hit when Lindros cut across the middle of the ice.

  13. People always say "Keep your head up". Sure, it's a good thing to do. But you are blaming the victim not the guy who can't make a good hit.

  14. I'm not sure how the league didn't realize that hits to the head were terrible life-altering things.

    BTW, I think he should be the Director of Player Safety, not the no-talent no-brain Bettman pet who has the title.

  15. stevens was a specialist in dirty hatchet jobs that he'd regularly get away with. the league is fully to blame for being so lenient, they were playing with people's health for entertainment because the audience loves nothing more than seeing someone get brutalized, apparently.

  16. What Lindros pulled on the Nordiques was the same thing he pulled with the Sault St. Marie Greyhounds when he was drafted by the OHL.

  17. I still think Stevens knowing it was Lindros could have eased up it was a total head shot even with Lindros with head down he should have eased up I mean he ended the guys career he knew what he was doing he lined him up but to go up high there was no reason for it and it should have been a penalty with misconduct he could have killed him I like Steven one of best defensive players of game but I just think that but stained him he had him he was going to hit he knew how many head injurys he had it was just ugly day for hockey flyers for not treating properly lindros for having head down and Stevens hitting him as hard as he could just think was a bad move on Stevens he just had to let up but instead ended Eric's career and lucky he wasn't killed his head was hit so hard im sure Stevens looks back and wishes he would have acted different instead of trying to hurt someone

  18. Absolutely terrifying that Kariya couldnt remember the following 3 days. Wild.

  19. There's no doubt Lindros had several concussions prior to the Kasparaitis hit as not all concussions show immediate or visible symptoms. In interviews, many athletes can't tell you how many times they've been concussed. If asked how many times they've felt woozy after a hit or had a headache for a few days following a hit, most will say dozens. Having played soccer, hockey and football as a teen, I can attest to at least 3 concussions I've suffered, yet no one noticed. Oddly enough, soccer was the worst.

    Pair that with genetic weakness (Eric's brother Brett was also often concussed), you get a clearer picture that no single hit is to blame for careers cut short due to concussion. The last hit is merely the straw that broke the camel's back and would've happened sooner or later.

  20. Meh, Lindross was obviously too soft to play a real mans game, total pussy lol. Who really give a shit anyway, dude was a PoS.

  21. Shoulder to the head? That's f#cking laughable. It was literally a raised elbow to the f#ckin head. Dirty a hit as you can give. Lindros hit hard a LOT with his SHOULDERS! And The Flyers handling of Lindros was absolutely abysmal. Disgusting. 💩🤦‍♂️

  22. If Lindros was babied like the stars of today He'd a been one of the best in history Period.
    But he didn't whine, cry, dive, and figure skate like these sissydick crybabies today.

  23. 😅😅😅😅😅
    Moron skating up the middle with his head down. He sucked, and Stevens taught him a lesson. ❤❤❤

  24. I don't know Bobby Clarke nor Eric Lindross. I have always had the opinion that Eric hit other people WAY harder than neccessary, and that put a target on his back. Some of the blame has to be shouldered (no punishment intended) by him, BUT you have to wonder what expectations were placed on him. Bobby Clarke wasn't known for hugs and kisses, and I wonder if he ever thought about what if he had to play against Lindros in his day, what he would have done.

    I doubt we will ever truely know, but I speculate it was possible that Eric was pressured and encouraged to play his absolute demolition style.

  25. Kasparaitis is probably the most underrated here. That hit on Lindros is on another LEVEL. Not only it was clean but he hardly flinched backwards. Stopped Lindros like he was a brick wall.

  26. Dude you're videos have always been really good but the ones you made this off-season are off the charts man. You've really stepped it up and we absolutely love to see it 💯

  27. Yes players should keep their heads up, but Scott Stevens intentionally tried hurting people. He would quite often go for charging head shots (multiple of them blindsides). He did the same thing to Kariya and a dozen other guys. Also went after people's knees too.

  28. To add a dose of karma, Stevens’ career was ended by, you guessed it, concussions (to be more specific a slapshot to the head from Pavel Kubina in the 2003 Eastern Conference Semifinals. He planned on retiring after the 2003-04 season nonetheless

  29. I grew up watching the flyers, lindros was really the reason i got into hockey.
    The concussions, the bad medical staff, the fights with management, it was all just too much.
    Oh what could have been

  30. Great video but mannn not enough credit at all to Scott Stevens. That’s a dirty hit now and it 1000% was a very dirty hit at the time too. Scott Stevens prob one of the dirtiest players in recent history

  31. as a flyers fan, this one hurts. ironcially, my dad was asked by a buddy to go to this game but he didnt because it was my 6th birthday party and my mom would have never let him lived it down if he wasnt there lol.

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