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Sportswriters on TV discuss Kurt Cobain’s suicide (1994)

About Sportswriters on TV (from Wikipedia):

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The Sports Writers on TV was a sports talk show produced by the Chicago-based SportsChannel and syndicated to most of the other ones across the SportsChannel America network. Bill Jauss, Bill Gleason, Ben Bentley, Joe Mooshill, Lester Munson, and Rick Telander were the usual writers discussing the sports issues of the day, and the show was a forerunner of many of the sportswriter TV shows that are much more common now (The Sports Reporters, Pardon the Interruption, Around the Horn, etc). The show also featured occasional conversations with Bill Veeck and Billy Corgan.

The show was a video adaptation of The Sportswriters, a long-running radio program on Chicago’s WGN. The first airing of Sportswriters on TV was on WFLD-TV in 1985. The set remained the same over the next 15 years of existence. The panel of three sportswriters (usually Jauss, Gleason and Telander) and moderator Bentley (a former public relations executive with the Bulls and a longtime boxing promoter before that) would sit around a card table, which was littered with newspapers, and talk sports. Gleason and Bentley would constantly smoke cigars, and the sportswriters would wear casual clothes. It was not uncommon to see Jauss wearing a faded pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt with the name of an area bar. Adding to the informal nature of the show, they would often call each other by their last names (e.g., “Jauss,” “Gleason”) as guys sitting around a bar might do.

After a year on WFLD, it moved to SportsVision, the precursor to SportsChannel Chicago. When the Fox Sports Network purchased SportsChannel in 1997, the show continued until 2000, when Fox decided not to renew the show.
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In this segment, they discuss the suicide of Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain.


  1. @htownlithium Tom Grantยดs theories ? Well, it is simple facts.
    Read the police reports, and so on…
    Iยดm getting tired of people like you, the suicide myth is dead. If you like it or not.
    There will be come surprises coming soon. So, yeah, Om.

  2. @floppingnoni: How could he pick up a gun with a 3 times lethal dose in his system? The Seattle police refuse to reopen the case because it would make them look bad. Police are notoriously stubborn about admitting they were wrong about anything. And the lead detective in the case, Cameron, may have been bribed. He was forced to retire early under allegations he was stealing money from crime scenes. The whole thing stinks, this case needs to be REOPENED.

  3. @htownlithium: And yet it's okay for Courtney Love to continue to slander Kurt the way she has for 16 years? She has nothing good to say about him. Bitch. He had more talent in his little finger than she will ever have. By the way she tried to murder her first husband also, set the bed on fire while he slept.

  4. @htownlithium: I just love the way you delicately put things, LOL. You must be lovely to be around. There's no end to her insults about Kurt but no one better "slander" her? Oh give me a break.

  5. @htownlithium: You have this tendency to attack me, and then act like I've attacked you. Is this personal for you then? What do you get out of it?

  6. @htownlithium: Well, I don't comment on yt as much as I used to, but I still do occasionally. I see you're commenting. Maybe you need to get a life, you poor thing.

  7. So all jocks don't like art or anything intellectual? Sounds like a pretty short-sighted statement stereotyping a lot of people.

  8. We'll I'm definitely not a jock but I in no way look up to jocks at all. They're all douchebag macho men with their playboy girls and their sports cars. No not for me. I hate jocks like these guys.

  9. You know Kurt was a baseball player and coach at the YMCA. He also taught swimming. He was actually quite strong and had good reflexes. He never admitted it but you can see it in many performances. He was small in stature but something like a ninja. I do concur. Watch him exit the montreal show via the rafters or catch the ball in the video that knocked dave over on the upward throw. He was talented in many ways and I feel losing his marriage was a heavy burden after the divorce. Not to mention the expectations and ridiculous touring. He had a child and I can understand it's really hard to find strength to start over when your family gets torn away from you. We're all different.ย 

  10. "Athletes look up to rock stars in the same way rock stars look up to athletes" I stopped right there. Rockstars don't give a shit about sports. Well maybe some but definitely not Nirvana or the entire punk scene from Seattle, or anywhere else in the country. Heck punk rockers used to get bullied at school by these so called athletes in high school.

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