@Calgary Flames

Greatest hockey sucker punch EVER – MUST SEE

From April 12, 1996 – game where the Detroit Red Wings won game #61 of the season – a small scrum turns out one of the best sucker punches ever. Hall of Famer Dino Ciccarelli (of the Detroit Red Wings) jacks Enrico Ciccone in the face. Dino gets 5 and a game for it, but it might have been worth it.


  1. Kinda dumb to take your eyes off the dude you just punched while in the middle of a scrum.

  2. Dino was a small guy who deliered his share of cheap shots. But man what a battler and competitor he was.

  3. The greatest sucker punch in history belongs to Louis Sleigher on Jean Hamel during the infamous Good Friday Massacre in Montreal. That bastard wasn't even suspended and Hamel lost an eye because on this….he had to retire.

  4. I love how Vlad picks up a guy bigger than him in full gear and moves him aside like you would a child. Got-damn that accident… Love you Vladdy.

  5. As a North Stars and Dino fan as a kid in Minneapolis in the 80's I love this. He was such a character. A born goal scorer with one of the most accurate shots in the game, whatever type of shot he knew where to shoot the puck and could just drill it exactly there. He was also so competitive and once teams realized what a threat he was just relentlessly went after him with any type of dirty thing you could imagine…and he stood for none of it. He wasn't dirty at all, as a little dude and a target he was sending the message he needed to to survive: f with me and you just might get a stick in the face. Also loved Lou Nanne's correct Italian pronunciation of his name: 'Chickarelli'. Sweet Lou from the Sault, Dino…North Stars forever, baby!

  6. Yeah, so funny guys. Cheap shot is so fucking hilarious. Guys should be arrested like the Seinfeld crew for laughing at a crime in progress. And if anyone said to me who will it be, Dino would have been my first guess. Three guys were big cheap shots and sucker punchers in that era… Dino, Gino, and Ty. You all know who I'm talking about.

  7. What? He was right there in front of him. Just because he was looking away it wasn't a suckered punch. One would be if a guy skated in from behind and layer him out because the guy didn't see him.

  8. Is the reason why he never won a Cup and 'couldn't believe he shook that guy's hand'.

    Karma is a batch, isn't it Dino?

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