@Toronto Maple Leafs

Defending Morgan Rielly

In the Leafs’ young, up-and-down season, Steve Dangle has noticed criticism mounting against Morgan Rielly. Dangle says don’t give up on the young Leafs defender just yet.

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  1. $5m per season for a 7th defenseman on an average team. Thats a typical leafs signing.

  2. This guy does not have the most informing nor appealing manner of conveying information about the Leafs. Please get him back in analytics or wherever he came from because I do not enjoy his commentary.

  3. lol this video is for the 75% of tml fans who have no clue about hockey and used to blame every loss on the goalie

  4. I know almost everyone wants Auston to be the next captain which isn't bad, but I see Rielly with the C on his jersey soon. He's been through hell and back with this team and developed so much. Forget the fake fans… Rielly is great and will continue to get better.

  5. Morgan Rielly will never be like the greatest defenseman in the world, like Erik Karlsson. That's right, I said it. Stop hopping on the Burns bandwagon

  6. Hey could u bring this topic up in your next video plz. Over the summer I think the leafs should trade for Joel Ward. Why because he is a good winger with a low salary and that he racks up 25+ points a season. What do u think ?

  7. I swear, "don't give up so easily" needs to be screamed at an inordinate number of people with a megaphone.

  8. Rielly has been my fav player since we drafted him in 2012…I have always said that he will be an all star one day. I also still stick by that. There is nothing that Mo can't do…he's fast, has a great wrister, sees that ice well and plays his position. He also is that only reason that the leafs are still in the playoff run. Imagine the leafs without Morgan Rielly. We would have an irresponsible Jake Gardiner and rookie Nikita Zaitsev as our top 2. That wouldn't be pretty as shown over that 4-5 game stretch without Mo. So let's all just let him develop into the all star that he has the potential to reach one day

  9. "there are only 15 number #1 defensemen in the league. what??, they are 30 teams in the NHL in the league, do you math?" I don't think Steve understands the premise of the first statement and if he does and is dismissing that statement just for Morgan Reilly then I am disappointed.

  10. I think Rielly is great and he's gonna be a STUD for the leafs and to be honest I think Matthews will be named captain but I really really hope Rielly gets to where the C

  11. Forwards playing loose and soft in the D zone, not deep enough on the half wall for the breakout and not picking up the guy in the high slot is a much bigger issue than Rielly getting caught between on some plays because he's trying to do too much and restraining himself at the same time, which is something he'll get over when he's feeling 100% and his confidence is back GLG

  12. Morgan Rielly was drafted 5th because of his outstanding offensive game as an OFD. They've been playing him as a shut down D, which is why he's been struggling. He's not playing his game. He may be able to develop his two way game, but Babcock should let him play his game with a DFD as a partner.

  13. Rielly needs a steady partner, a big physical top pairing partner. They need a Trouba type defenceman to really get the most out of Rielly in my opinion.

  14. I think that all these nay-sayers need to stfu and remember that this team wasn't even suppose to make the playoffs this year. They are just kids (for the most part) and need to grow and learn together. They have already exceeded expectations, so just let them be…with Babcock at the helm, this team is headed for greatness…and it doesn't help when these idiots go and run their mouth like that. Remember, they are human beings too, just like you and me.

  15. I feel for Rielly, because I think he'd be a fantastic defenseman if he was given a significant stint on the 2nd pairing with a reliable defensive partner. But the Leafs don't have the defense to do that. And Rielly simply isn't good enough defensively right now to handle top pairing minutes, but he has to.

    He may very well eventually adapt and grow into one. But he isn't right now, and it's a shame, because the Leafs need him to be.

  16. am i hearing this right?? "although he's bad, there are some bad players who became good!"?

  17. lol First Kadri. Now Rielly? Rielly has changed a lot after signing his big contract. Cut him to $3 million and give Kadri $5.5. I bet Rielly will start playing decent again.

  18. i think any young player has it worse in toronto because it is a pressure cooker market

  19. If people are expecting Morgan Rielly to be Duncan Keith then you could shut up and let the kid develop and blossom with consistent coaching and teammates.

    I'm sure that may not be the exact person Leaf fans want him to be but look at the island of stability the Hawks have been since 2009 and how much that helps the core players on that team.

    If you get that island with the Leafs its almost like Morgan Rielly could become really good! WHOA!

  20. Plus/Minus is the absolute STUPIDEST stat in the game. It's entirely relative to a players on-ice situations. For example I'm constantly seeing Gardiner compared to Rielly in terms of plus/minus and people pointing out the gap. While it is a big gap if you look at their situations it makes sense. Who plays against other teams top players? RIELLY. Who doesn't? GARDINER. Who plays on the penalty kill? RIELLY. Who doesn't? GARDINER. Who gets to play on the power play? GARDINER. Who doesn't? RIELLY. So if you look at it logically… OF COURSE THEIR PLUS/MINUS IS GOING TO BE UNBALANCED. The fact that the worst thing people can say about Rielly is that he has a bad plus/minus makes me feel very safe about the player he is and will become in the future.

  21. Rielly will never be a top 2. Ekblad is 10x better and 2 years younger so clearly age is not a factor. Seth jones anyone?

  22. Hey Steve was wondering if you have a bio somewhere? Like you i am a fan of the leafs, and was just wondering how you got to where you are now?

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