@Pittsburgh Penguins

DK’s Daily Shot of Penguins: New owners had best tread lightly

A broadcasting change? Yeah, no, not when it’s Bob Errey … and FSG needs to grasp that.

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  1. Am I one of the only ones that isn’t upset by Bob getting cut out? Mears was an upgrade over Paul, no doubt.

    If Getzoff and Bourque are the replacements, that’s an upgrade for the broadcast booth.

  2. yeah this makes me sad. I liked Errey a lot, I'm sure the new commentators will just bloviate
    this was a mistake, he got screwed

  3. Ugly decision, possibly too late for Bob & Steve to get new jobs? FSG did great hiring of Kyle D, hopefully they’ll make a graceful recovery with new hires. I guess if Hall of Famer, Mike Lange, can be fired, anyone can. Stan Savran used to say that people who make such decisions live many states away and don’t consider the local culture.

  4. FSG doesn’t understand nor probably care how things are in south western PA and how this is an area that takes care of its own.

  5. I’d prefer you speak the truth. Your job isn’t to act as Public Relations for the organization. As a reporter, you report the news. And as a columnist, you write your opinion. Which is why most of the people come to your site. Because they respect your opinion.

  6. I dont dislike Getzoff but its not a nice play by play voice at all. Ill probably be listening or watching other feeds now.

  7. Whatever is saved by cutting Mr. Errey is a false economy. This is tough.

    I hope I live to see the Pens owned locally again!

  8. I already sent the group a message an give them a piece of my mind about them getting rid of these guys…

  9. Due to not being able to justify cable just for the pens ive only been a radio listener for like 20 years so i have zero connection with theses guys… Make Mike Lange 30 years younger and I'll be happy lol

  10. Dejan thank you in a summer of so much positive Penguin 🐧 news this news made me very unhappy why? BOBS stories were awesome i would remember watching him play with Mario he was so fast.clutch goals hit people twice his size .

  11. Mears and Errey weren’t very good though, and you’d know that if you listened to other teams’ broadcasters. FSG can do better

  12. Thank goodness "Mearsy" is gone. He was the reason I listened to the games on the radio while watching it on TV. Meaningless stat after meaningless stat made watching the games impossible for me. Errey was the "company guy" of the pair. Hope Phil Bourque gets the TV gig. But…. I doubt it. He's too honest describing what he sees on the ice. He sees a "bonehead move by Letang", he says, "That was a bonehead move by Letang".

  13. I love Bob, but honestly there broadcast had become very boring. When I would rather listen to an opponent’s broadcast there’s a problem. It’s time for change. I’m not sad because Errey, and Mears will find jobs immediately.

  14. DK – I will mis Errey being on the air. First, he wasn't a homer like so many others, especially the blowhard up in the city where they had the tea party. He gave insight, good and bad, for our team. Cheers to Bob for all his work the Penguins both off and on the ice as I was a teenager when he helped them win those first 2 Staney Cups.

  15. Gotta take emotion out , it’s a business at the end of the day. Bob , yes should still be on board but Mears was way too generic & vanilla from even back when he called isles gms. Mears will bounce back , he was however good on nhl network for what it’s worth

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