@Los Angeles Kings

Brady Tkachuk defends brother Matthew after Drew Doughty ripped into him

On the heels of Drew Doughty’s comments about Matthew Tkachuk, his brother Brady was asked about the remarks and understands a lot of opposing players aren’t the biggest fans of his brother but knows that his teammates in Calgary love him.


  1. Doughtys gonna say the wrong thing one day and get his remaining teeth (he doesnā€™t have many) knocked out.

  2. Drew didnā€™t rip into my baby Matt he just made up an imaginary beef cause Mattā€™s the hardest heā€™s seen in a while

  3. Their dad is still my favorite player of all time so having his offspring in the league now is GLORIOUS. GO BLUES

  4. Ive never seen Drew losing his temper as much as when he played against Tkachuk, this guy really got to him xD

  5. Lol not sure what they were expecting him to say, even though the critic wasn't all that good imo. He's a competive guy and will do anything to win. And if you got the other team mad at you, you know your doing something right?!? Laying a deadly hit and knocking a guy unconscious will get a whole team pissed at you. Not sure that's doing your job though. I mean that isn't Matthew's style just saying as an example. But I like how smart his brother is on never once mentioning Drew's name. Keeps the focus on the whole team.
    But I mean Drew's a loud mouth antagonizing prixk to begin with and for him to say stuff bout somebody else.
    I mean I would hate to be categorized as an Avery. Lowest compliment in the book.

  6. Brady missed the chance to give such a hilarious comment. How funny would it be if he agreed with Doughty in a super sarcastic way " oh yeah Drew's right Matthew's the worst." Hahahahahaha

  7. Welcome to the new NHL, where we get the opinion of a rookie on a 10+ year hall of fame veteran.

  8. Who was more gotten to:

    Doughty by way of to Tkachuk or Brodeur by way of Avery?

  9. I wish he just come out and say, "I don't care, not my team." and just bat the whole line of questions out of here. So dumb

  10. There is a reason why I think certain NHL players play act like pests on the ice: they want to win just as much as their teammates and decide to throw their opponents off their game in order to win.

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