@St. Louis Blues

Lightning’s Witkowski sends message to Mantha in fight

Watch as Luke Witkowski sends a message to Anthony Mantha during fight.


  1. For all of you saying Mantha couldn't hold his own, he broke his finger at the very beginning of the fight.. hence why he just tried to clinch the whole time

  2. I'm not defending anyone but Mantha just punched while he was down. But Mantha got his head held and pushed up against the ice. Both of them never should have done it

  3. 48 total games played, 3 career NHL points, no goals.

    I wonder what it's like being a career AHL player, must be sorta dull.

  4. As a Red Wing fan I loved the McKegg fight and Mantha punching him down (because rivalry and all), but Witkowski did the right thing here to get revenge. Good enforcing. Sucks Mantha broke his finger though.

  5. I'm not being biased, this is just the truth. Mantha's fight before this one wasn't even that dirty! There's late punches thrown in ALMOST EVERY SINGLE FIGHT, but no one cares until now! Don't try to say that isn't true, because it is! The punches weren't even that hard anyway. And turning around and doing the same thing back to Mantha, plus more such as shoving his head into the ice, doesn't make you any better! It makes you worse! Also, Mantha broke his finger at the very beginning of this fight, which is why he didn't put up a fight. Smarten up people! Also decide what you want in hockey, because any other player can do what Mantha did and all of you will say, "Yes, we need more of this stuff in hockey!", but then Mantha does it and all of you are hating on him! The message failed to be sent as well, because a very small amount of punches actually landed, and the ones that did were weak and just hit his helmet.

  6. This is a heated rivalry and a good one even tho my wings have fallen off quite a bit glad to c my boys still have fight in them even tho missing the playoffs first first time in 25 years

  7. I'm thinking Mantha must have connected with one, broke his finger and didn't want to throw down anymore.

  8. How funny is it, that they are team mates now. Mantha and witowski on the same side.

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