@National Hockey League

NHL logo “creativity”

NHL logo “creativity”

by O-D-C


  1. useless_99

    Well I’ve always been an Animals on Triangles fan but lately I’ve been into Shields with Place Names after their impressive cup runs last season. I think for this year’s playoffs we’ll see Stormy Weather and Circles with B Animals for sure, and maybe a team or two from Blue Things That Aren’t Usually Blue.

  2. ArnieAndTheWaves

    But if these pairs all combined to make teams, which would be the best? Stormy weather I guess, or one of the shield teams.

  3. VilniusBlues

    Tbf “blue note” is an actual thing in music 👀

  4. Whataboutizm

    This is very impressive work. Did you show your teacher?

  5. TheFoundation_

    Got any original design ideas or you just here to complain about nothing

  6. peepeeonmydoodoo

    I feel like the Blues could also go in wings with circles.

  7. TheRitalinCommando

    This is literally one of the worst posts I’ve ever seen on this subreddit

  8. -cyg-nus-

    There is no circle in the Avs logo. That is very obviously not round.

  9. every1pees

    The amount of stoned time you wasted figuring this out is impressive.

  10. prp4241

    Panthers is my favorite place to go on vacation.

  11. AnonymousBromosapien

    What in the actual fuck am I looking at here?

  12. CodAdministrative563

    I’ll take my flightless bird on a triangle

  13. chimpsimulator

    Come on over to r/hockey, we got:

    Wings with circles

    Blue things that aren’t usually blue

    Aboriginal art animals

    And lots more cool stuff

  14. Caviar_Fertilizer69

    What do you mean the Blues aren’t usually blue? It’s in the name!

  15. Ancient_A

    If only if the jackets made the cannon logo the primary.

  16. Frags08

    Wait people think the Minnesota logo is something looking to the side?

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