@San Jose Sharks

Kevin Mann

Kevin Mann, who is a vegan fitness youtuber who is obsessed with hair loss, trolled my channel, so I thought I’d give him the fire roasted treatment
Visit Kebin’s channel
#KevinMann #MannHesAMoron #Kebin
0:00 0:22 Intro
0:23 2:55 Kebin’s follicle obsession
2:56 3:50 Our nibba Kebin ego lifts!
3:51 4:48 Zurcher squat
4:49 6:25 Kebin’s special ‘head lunge deadlifts’
6:26 6:48 Kebin stronk!
6:49 8:05 Kebin punches down
8:06 11:13 Vegan Gains debate
11:41 12:01 Vegetable gets served


  1. Hahaha, come on Mike! You know I was just fucking with you with that comment. You probably don't remember but I actually gave you props in your debate with Vegan Gains. Not that I didn't deserve this roast but a few things I think are worth pointing out.

    1. Rounding your back during the deadlift is OK and is actually advantageous for many lifters, especially those who have a strong anterior core like me hence why it is a common technique with many powerlifters. My spine is stronger during flexion, not extension hence why I round my back. I have a video where I explain this in depth.

    And if you don't want to take my word for it here is a great article on T-nation which explains it much more in depth.

    Just look at lifters like Pete Rubish and Pa O'Dwyer, all some of the strongest in their class and they all deadlift with rounded backs. I should add I have been deadlifting this way for years with zero injuries and zero low back pain so tell me Uncle Mike, why should I change my technique?
    There is a limit of course but a lot of the rounding you saw in my deadlift was just the natural kyphotic curve of my T and cervical spine. I have] Scheuremann's kyphosis so it is literally impossible for me to keep a completely straight back. 

    2. The Zercher squat is an anterior loaded movement so don't you think it would make sense that it pulls you forward a little bit? Its known to have great carryover into the deadlift for a reason and that is because it pulls you forward forcing you to use your spinal erectors for more back extension. The person you compared me to was doing a demonstration with light weight, not a max attempt like I was so obviously there is going to be a little compensation.
    Also, I went way deeper than the person you showed me so naturally just based on the position of my spine at the bottom of the lift having a natural posterior pelvic tilt it is inevitably my hips will shoot up a bit first and my torso will be further forward due to greater hip flexion. You don't need to a biomechanics expert to recognize these things.
    Don't believe me? Try squatting deep enough until you have a posterior pelvic tilt and then try extending your back, it can't be done more than a couple of inches so the only way I could avoid my hips shooting up like that at the beginning would be to limit my range of motion and like Hell am I going to do that.

    3. I am a fan of Vegan Gains but I am not obsessed with him as you imply nor am I some sort of pushy vegan activist. Other than a few recipe videos I do not talk about veganism on my channel. Its something I have done for 17 years and I find value in it but I have no interest in trying to be a vegan activist, its just not my thing.

  2. (response to Kevin so he can't erase) KEBIN- When your hips move up, your back, (instead of starting to hinge to upright) hinges back to horizontal, your back rounds and your head lurches forward. You then , with your legs almost straight now, start to hinge your back upright, using all back. You do that on both your squat and dead lift.

  3. imagine making a video making fun of someone when you sound like a muppet

  4. Kevin is homosexual just deleted his channel hahah! Love this video bro!

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