@Tampa Bay Lightning

In response to the many “particular” flag ID requests I’ve seen during my time here, a small collection of answers. Feel free to help expand/correct.

In response to the many “particular” flag ID requests I’ve seen during my time here, a small collection of answers. Feel free to help expand/correct.

by BoredJonny


  1. Personal-Banana-9491

    Given the previous post on this sub, I was like “another lost redditor?”

    I’m pretty sure the sabres fan that lives on my street thinks my Lightning flag is extremist.

  2. bankrobba

    Can’t get any more right-wing than a Galactic Emperor.

  3. Some wack job like this posted some political nonsense in the Publix sub. Florida subs are being targeted.

  4. Ashamed-Fondant-5504

    That’s the second time in two days I saw the Lightning logo compared to a fascist flag. It sounded preposterous to me at first, and then [I looked it up](, and it’s shockingly similar. Obviously there’s nothing tying the logos together, but if you’re ever planning on getting a Lightning tattoo I highly recommend doing a bit of research first so you don’t get confused for a Nazi.

  5. OGHamToast

    Might wanna get some 40k stuff up there, like Black Templars and Chaos Undivided.

    Also, FUCK NAZIS. They don’t have a goddamn monopoly on lightning bolts. Same goes for Celtic and Norse symbology.

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