@New York Rangers

Some spicy takes on the Bold Predictions post on r/hockey

Some spicy takes on the Bold Predictions post on r/hockey

by memeaste


  1. SilentSaidd

    Arizona and Montreal flairs, I wouldn’t take what they say too seriously

  2. we’re in SC or bust mode and we got people thinking we wont even make the playoffs 🙁

  3. Ill_Sympathy948

    It’s not that spicy. If Lingren or Igor are hurt for any amount of time, this team is cooked.

  4. jthomas694

    It’s a bold prediction thread and it’s definitely possible. We were a first round exit and the Atlantic is full of young teams who can take a step. Pittsburgh made some moves to get better, if we don’t play well it’s possible.


    If Igor goes out for extended time, our 5v5 hasn’t been excellent over the last couple of years. It could happen

  5. oddDuck45

    I saw it and wanted to argue but it wasn’t worth it since it’s a bold prediction thread. I did find the reasoning behind their takes a bit naive. We’ve made the playoffs twice with Igor and they act like we’ve flamed out quickly every time. Being knocked out by the devils really sucked and a lot our top guys didn’t show up but that seems to be the only thing people are basing the team off.

  6. MeetTheMets31

    My spicy take is i dont think this take is that spicy

  7. matt091282

    As far as the team needing a wake up call goes, that happened in the first round of the playoffs.

  8. slinkocat

    I actually think we’re a little underrated this year. I think the roster is more solid from top-to-bottom than last year. Wheeler was a huge add.

    Big question marks for me are if Kakko and Laf take a step forward and if Quick can be a quality back-up. Even so, I think the only teams definitively better than us on paper in the Metro are the Canes and the Devils. Penguins are talented but old. Islanders are mid and are pretty much running it back with the same team as last year. Caps, Blue Jackets and Flyers aren’t huge threats.

  9. Sudden-Swim2520

    If we don’t make the playoffs, expect a decent blow up. Would only have Igor at a 5.6m cap hit for one more year.

  10. InternationalHunt738

    I don’t think Igor has carried us to the playoffs. I thought last year he was good but not the reason we made the playoffs. Maybe the year before, but not in his first year.

    I have already said it in here multiple times that this team is likely to miss the playoffs. We got older and slower and we are changing coaches. Not a recipe for success in this present day NHL.

    Too much of our surrounding competition got better. Going into a season relying on Vets like Wheeler and Quick to play key roles to our success isn’t the most promising of prepositions.

  11. TwoPlyHero

    I’m a die hard rangers fan and I’ll be the first to admit this team is mid as fuck.

    Last post season showed me no one aside from Kreider 1/8 of the time has heart. Overpaid losers

  12. ancillaryacct

    bold take i love that people are counting us out. we dont do well with cup expectations

  13. explosivebuttfarts

    My spicy hot take is that, outside of the flyers and Islanders, I can see any other team in the division make or miss the playoffs. Big ole crap shoot.

  14. RangerFan80

    Top 3 goalie in the league rarely wins the Cup, so that point doesn’t make any sense.

    Starting goalies on Cup winning teams:
    Adin Hill
    Darcy Kuemper
    Jordan Binnington
    Braden Holtby
    Matt Murray
    Matt Murray
    Corey Crawford
    Jonathan Quick
    Corey Crawford
    Jonathan Quick

    Besides Vasilevskiy, I wouldn’t say any of these were ever even in the top 5, most have been average at best.

  15. Funky_Cows

    >They can’t have a king Hank repeat where they don’t win a cup with a top 3 golie in the league every year

    Watch us

  16. OIdChunkOfCoaI

    It isn’t impossible, despite everyone saying it’s a ridiculous take. A lot of teams in the east are getting better and Drury really hasn’t made any significant improvements – at least not on paper, because the team is cap strapped. Everything is dependent on the young forwards taking steps forward and if they don’t, it’s unfortunately a real possibility that a few teams could pass us. Also, if Igor gets injured for any significant stretch, that’s probably it.

  17. Most surprising thing about this is someone on that subreddit saying something good about a Rangers player and it being upvoted

  18. I cant wait for this offseason to end and the team just finally plays. They suck they suck, but I highly doubt theyre gonna miss playoffs. Roster is still too good imo. Way too many people acting like the team is 40 years old average

  19. BeesVBeads

    Hard for me to take a Montreal fan seriously since they don’t know the difference between a player crashing the net trying to injure a goalie and a player getting tripped by that goalie’s defenceman and accidentally running him over.

  20. BuffStudman

    All summer i have to hear about how the Rangers suck and the Devils ( and to a lesser extent Ottawa and Buffalo) are going to win 5 cups in a row.

  21. Sjdillon10

    We were cup contenders going into last season. Now people think we are the bottom of the barrel. It’s gonna come down to if laf and kakko finally take a step

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