@Philadelphia Flyers

Picture Perfect: Patrick Brown

In this episode of Picture Perfect, we visit Patrick Brown in Bangkok, Thailand to discuss photography and his forthcoming book Trading to Extinction, which documents the illegal trade of endangered animals in Asia. We then travel with Brown to Guangzhou, China, where he photographs restaurants that buy and serve exotic animals.


  1. His work is so intentional and meaningful. I love his conviction for the story he is trying to tell. "I never ask for permission."

  2. Thanks for sharing, really great documentary and Patrick is such an amazing photographer and good guy!

  3. Such a great series. Thanks for pushing photographers! Finally someone, who cherishes this form of art. Photography is a big thing (not only for myself).

  4. How does a privileged foreigner get to become the critical voice of another culture? Would it not make sense if you were to do an expose on factory farmed meat in your own country as an example? This kind of self righteous journalism seems absolutely dated.

  5. Those who make money by using animals are ugly people. No excuse for animal abuse! Patric is amazing.

  6. Thank you for the exposure… many of us would never have the opportunity you had and I'm thankful that you felt it important enough for us to see it through your lens.

  7. I wonder how many animal species have been extinct since the making of this video in 2012 until today of writing this 2020 due to these kinds of markets in China. Hope he is carrying on with his project.

  8. And now see, the coronavirus is here. Great eye opener. We as photographers empower and enlight.

  9. Sorry but these fucks are just killing and destroying the fucking eco system capturing and killing all of these exotic animals. I don't give a shit that it's a way of life or culture, get with the fucking 21 century man. That giant tortoise is what got me most. I dream of going into one of these places and shooting up the whole lot of them. If only I could!

  10. Horrendous. But great work highlighting the desperately disgusting treatment of animals and very emotive given the global current virus situation.

  11. I saw many videos of photographers but never see how much money they make !!! There is info of other artist like singers or Hollywod actors and we can know how much money they make with a movie but I never saw information about how much money a photographer make !!!!

  12. How did this trade start? Are those people with no further perspectives? Are those people the problem or is there a bigger problem?

  13. I saw him speak in 2019 when he was releasing his new book "No Place on Earth." He is a truly devoted person who goes to great lengths to tell the true story of what is happening.

  14. This shit is what makes people go vegan, this is why we need photographers taking pictures of the animal industry

  15. You are a POS photographer for seeing an elephant in chains and not setting it free. ROT IN HELL BITCH!

  16. He is a good man and he did well but he cannot stop them because there are more to meet the eye.

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