@Minnesota Wild

Jesper Wallstedt on Wild On 7th

[Jesper’s episode audio is out today]( with the video portion ~~probably coming out later today/tomorrow~~ [Here]( Worth it to listen early, he’s a great interview.


\-He sounds extremely determined to get onto the big team as soon as they’ll let him. He’s got sights on the International Game in Stockholm, so hopefully we get to see him play his first regular season game in his home country.

\-His whole family, besides his mom, are goalies.

\-He’s a gamer, and a big Counter Strike guy specifically

\-He’s upfront about initially being too cocky about the AHL and the way that international players underestimate the league, especially when they’ve been playing at the highest levels in their country.

\-He gives a good breakdown on how the tiers of Swedish hockey, especially for goalies, operates.


Jesper’s interview starts around 27 minutes in if you want to avoid Carts and Kinger talking about youth hockey and White Bear bars.

by Paladad


  1. It would be great for Wallstedt to get to play this year, especially in his home country. But it basically can’t happen without someone being on LTIR which is too bad.

  2. He seems to have a goofy fun personality especially for being Scandinavian. I didn’t really know that about him until seeing those videos last spring where he interviews his teammates.

  3. MinnesotaRyan

    He and Gus Bus can play video games together when he moves up here.

  4. Kind of surprised both Gustavsson and Wallstedt both played for Lulea and only were separated by a year or two from being on the same SHL roster. They have to of had known each other before being on the Wild together, had the same goalie coaches, etc, right?

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