@Florida Panthers

How to Organize a Speech or Presentation

Let’s take an in-depth look at how to organize a presentation or speech including the introduction, body, and conclusion. FREE 7 Instant Tips for Confident & Composed Public Speaking

Choices about how to structure a presentation or speech really matter. The right organization helps you stay on track and helps your audience follow your thinking.


Here is an outline of the introduction section, which should be about 10% of the presentation.
– Attention grabber
– Audience relevance statement
– Speaker’s credibility statement
– Thesis or “bottom line”
– Preview of main points to come


The body of the presentation should do the following and makes up about 85% of your time.
– Organize your points in some logical fashion for your specific topic
– Aim for about 3 main points to keep it clear
– Signpost your main points by saying 1st, 2nd, 3rd (or some clear way to make each point stand out)
– Use transition statements to signal that you’re changing gears from one point to the next


Your conclusion should only take about 5% (maybe 10%) of your time and do the following very concisely.
– Signal that you are ending, “In conclusion . . .”
– Reinforce your thesis or main idea. Optionally, you may also want to recap your points if that helps but keep the summary tight.
– Call to action. If you are going to ask your listeners to do something (especially in a persuasive presentation), this is the spot to do it.
– Clincher. End on a high note with a quick story, appropriate quotation, etc.

Presentation structure is a key element to help both you and your listeners.

See these other videos about organizing a presentation and improvement your skills:

How to Open and Close a Presentation:


Get to know Alex (video):

Communication Coach, this channel, helps rising leaders like you increase your impact and lead your teams with more excellence. The channel focuses on communication skills for leaders, presentation skills, group and team skills, and conversation skills. If you’re looking for self-paced communication skills training, this is the channel for you.

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  1. Great information. Can you please share the speech organization template shown in the video, in pdf or picture form

  2. Hello Coach Alex in the Thesis in the French système it is sometimes a question and the you respond to your question in the body with details then you sum up in one phrase in the conclusion. It can be like this?

  3. My tip: Watch Alex Lyon's videos 3 times a day for 3 days & copy out his excellent notes from the description box. Clear & informative without all the annoying chest beating & self promotion. Thank you Alex.

  4. I love hotel he is an excellent teacher in all areas..I suggested Mr Alex to more friends of mine and more top managers with out charismatic feeling .tks Mr Alex

  5. Very concise, polished, yet natural-sounding presentation here Alexander. I just joined toastmasters and am looking for all the tips I can gather, thanks so much for the time and experience that you utilized for this video. Will be using your suggestions in every one of my subsequent Toastmasters speeches.

  6. My best tip before I go to bed is always do your presentation in front of a mirror the day before at least. I’m sure I’m not the only one who suggest this but it was something that stuck with me from school and it’s nice to see what you look and sound like before your presentation.

  7. This is god information for me! It is very organized and to the point! I need this especially since I don't want to pay for training!

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