@Toronto Maple Leafs

[Johnston] “Of note with veteran #leafs goaltender Martin Jones currently on waivers: Any team putting in a successful claim will owe him a $100,000 bonus payment tomorrow. The timing of that bonus was structured into the $875,000, one-year contract he signed in August.”

[Johnston] “Of note with veteran #leafs goaltender Martin Jones currently on waivers: Any team putting in a successful claim will owe him a $100,000 bonus payment tomorrow. The timing of that bonus was structured into the $875,000, one-year contract he signed in August.”

by Romanpolakfan


  1. IAmTheBredman

    I think 100k isn’t going to change anything for most teams

  2. asdf-7644

    It probably won’t change his likelihood to get claimed by a needy team, but this kind of attention to detail is something I really like about Toronto’s front office. I’m thinking Pridham.

  3. commanderr01

    There’s too many teams in pretty dire need for a goalie right now for that too matter and worst case we keep jones in the A to help backstop the young guys we have in the marlies

  4. VeryAttractive

    It’s a nice idea, a “poison pill” of sorts. Won’t make a difference at $100K though, Jones is as good as gone.

  5. Choptober_

    Good for him to get a nice little moving bonus for his troubles.

  6. goleafsgo13

    I’m guessing this is also a nod to Jones. The bonus would lower his taxes and also, if he has to relocate, “here is 100k for your troubles”.

  7. He’ll still get claimed…BUT if teams are still claiming Toronto’s waivers just for jokes, I think 100K is a little rich for a joke. Should prevent that from happening. But for teams in need of a backup, the bonus payment won’t deter them in the slightest.

  8. boredinthebathroom

    Smart thinking, why haven’t the leafs or other teams done this before?….I guess players go on waivers for a reason

  9. burningxmaslogs

    Brilliant work by the leafs or his agent responsible for that little clause in Marty’s contract lol

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