@New York Rangers

Jarred Tinordi vs Raffi Torres Mar 8, 2014

Jarred Tinordi vs Raffi Torres from the Montreal Canadiens at San Jose Sharks game on Mar 8, 2014.


  1. Nothing wrong with this.  Clean hit.  Tinordis was defending his guy.  Torres better not get suspended…

  2. Keep your head up.  Guy's facing  the boards and protecting the puck and cycling.  Some ones going to get there neck broke.  I've played hockey, you don't face the boards, you will break you neck.  The no hitting from behind when players are in a vunerable position and on a one on one with defense men you turn your back and back into the goalie.  WTF is that.

  3. Clean hit but I would still like to see Torres get maimed. Even as a Bruins fan I was cheering for Tinordi in this one. Fuck Torres.

  4. I used to hate torres I'm a die hard sharks fan you can tell players are encouraged to play dirty cause torres hasn't done anything dirty since he joined sj.  When he was suspended in the kings series it was a terrible call and a reputation call.  He came from Vancouver and pheonix.  Vancouver is pretty dirty.  Finger biting dirty.

  5. If this hit is dirty then this game suddenly became a pussy sport, yeah it should be clean and nhl should keep players safe but there basically taking hitting out of the game and it's entertaining

  6. It's a clean hit and I get Torres' reputation but I don't get why tinordi needed to step in, Eller's a big boy he can take care of himself

  7. Interference or boarding…..they both applied to this one. Regardless of the team you cheer for, the rules are paramount. So many brain dead posts on here. Salut.

  8. I'm a Montreal fan and yes that was a clean hit, Lars Eller watches his passes and loose pucks way too often and Torres seen the opportunity and took it. Nothing wrong with defending your teammate as well on Tinordi's part, this is after all hockey 

  9. I'm guessing those refs in San Jose that say that hit is illegal are the same ones that disallowed a goal that clearly was a goal and then allowed one that shouldn't have counted tonight against the leafs.

  10. Clean hit. What is this league becoming. May as well just skate down the ice three feet "off the boards" and you'll get a clean breakaway every time since you have full diplomatic immunity.

  11. It was kinda interference but he hit shoulder to shoulder for the first time in about 10 years. Tinordi raped him afterwards lol

  12. OK. that's was a clean check. Raffie Torres should be pissed. I know he has a very very…very very very checkered past in the NHL but seriously. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt every once in awhile. Even Torres.

  13. Hit can't be clean when the guy he hit never had or touched the puck. It's called "interference."

  14. he was the sweet little Mexican red head!!!!!!
    always such a nice boy growing up on raymerville in Markham,,,
    stop being naughty Raff…

  15. the nhl is a joke anymore should just put a dress on these guys guy swiped puck hit was less than second after joke the nhl has become.

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