@National Hockey League

There it is: the quiet step even further backwards. Banning the use of Pride tape

This is just the first article I’ve seen on it, so hopefully more to come… But come on. Banning it? I’d be curious to know what their plans are for punishment if someone chooses to use it anyways.

Also: this is gonna make me laugh in derision now whenever they have those “Hockey is for everyone” commercials.

by JarmaBeanhead


  1. DrittzDoUrden

    Why can’t it be comprehended that most ppl don’t want politics in sports

  2. Unstep-in-Time

    They are distracting. I doubt any NHL players wanted to use these. And it doesn’t take away from the “hockey is for everyone” mantra.

  3. 2ChainzTalib

    How is anybody being excluded? It’s not atypical for leagues to regulate what can and can’t be worn or used on equipment.

  4. BackgroundTrick5075

    Lol when you show up to a thread and all the comments are downvoted. Hockey is such a weirdly conservative sport. Politics are everywhere in life, people both sides-ing and trying to avoid this are spineless. Pick a side and go with it there is no neutral. This move is clearly an anti gay move, not a keep politics out of sport move. The old boys in the upper echelons of hockey aren’t happy with the movement it seems

  5. MaleficentBridge3363

    Should’ve just kept it out to begin with

  6. The NHL would rather deal with the 1 week of bad PR instead of the months of bad PR they got last year. They also threw out everything with it including support for veterans, fighting cancer and other local events like Lunar New Year in Vancouver, or Star Wars night for some weird reason.

    This is because a group of people chose to focus on the 3 or 4 people who chose to not participate, instead of the 600 or so that chose to participate. And there are some amazing advocates for Pride in the NHL. But instead of focusing on the great community work of someone like Morgan Reilly on Pride Night, they chose to focus on James Reimer choosing to opt out.

    So if the attitude of the masses is that anything less than 100% total participation means the league is a hotbed of discrimination, and the NHL isn’t getting the benefit of showcasing some of their actual amazing work, then it was totally predictable that they would just opt out.

    The advocates for the LGBTQ+ community made a choice, and instead of building up the advocates in the league, they chose to focus their efforts on the hold outs. I don’t think I saw a single story about a community champion for the LGBTQ community. That’s sort of like if the groups advocating for veterans only focused their efforts on getting Alex Ovechkin to disavow Putin. Not exactly constructive. So if the NHL isn’t going to get positive PR, they decided to just throw it all out.

  7. wired1984

    Is this really where we are now? Players should be able to express themselves if they feel strongly enough about something. If you don’t like that a guy has pride tape on his stick and you don’t like that, you’re allowed to boo him. Don’t buy his jersey. It’s that simple.

  8. Hockystr17

    As usual, Reddit is for people to be overly emotional and not use logic or reasoning. Thankfully, most people in “real life” aren’t this way..

  9. Deepstatewinz

    Fans on social media wanted to focus on the 2-3 players that didn’t wear pride jerseys instead of the 400-500 that did.

    The league and their sponsors didn’t like that negative attention, so here we are.

  10. Ok_Economics_8202

    Agree with me or your a bigot… lgbt should fuck off and mind ur own business

  11. DanTheMortgageMan

    Serious question here. Do any of the other major sports have a pride night and wear a pride jersey or hat? I’m not a fan of any of the other sports other than mma so I have no clue.

  12. smilecrocodile1

    I love how everyone’s blaming the “bigots” for this move but the reality is it was all the people bitching and moaning about a handful of players not wearing the jersey that resulted in the change. There are over 700 players on an active roster in the NHL and the extremely vast majority chose to wear them, but the fans chose to focus all their negative energy on a few guys that chose not to wear them, resulting in tons of bad publicity for the league that for the most part had nearly everyone participating.

  13. Its actually because of those that support the pride tape. They were making death threats to those that didn’t. There were more people angry at those that didn’t use the tape or take part than people angry that there is a pride night.

    This the truth. They won’t make this a headline. But this is what the world has become. Everyones a victim 🤦‍♂️

    Nobody made any death threats because someone took part. So whos hating more? Takes a big person to take a look in the mirror.

  14. HanSolo5643

    Well, I am not surprised by this. The NHL in recent times has made it clear that social issues aren’t something they care about, and after the pushback companies like BudLight and others got the NHL is showing that they are worried about losing money.

  15. It’s one thing to get rid of pride night. They were just cash grabs anyways designed to get publicity.

    However this, this is an attack. Actively forbidding players putting support toward a cause is disgusting.

    Plus, it’s not enforceable in some cases. What will the league do if a big time name like Connor McDavid or Nathan MacKinnon decides to express support? If you punish them for that with fines, suspensions, or whatever else the league is going to flip their shit. Plus, the max fine is $5k, do you think 5k matters to someone making over 10 million dollars?

    The teams won’t bury them in the org, they need them.

    If someone with a big name decides to push back, this whole ban will crash.

  16. Being gay isn’t political. Being blue-eyed isn’t political. Being over 6’ tall isn’t political.

    Anyone who wants to “keep politics out of hockey” is clearly confused if they think colored tape is political.

  17. housington-the-3rd

    I can’t remember seeing anyone using this tape. NHL shouldn’t be banning it but it’s not like it was wildly used.

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