@New York Islanders

What is Aatu’s Räty’s impact on Jukurit’s run?

Jukurit is at the top of the Finnish Liiga. What is the impact of the acquisition of Aatu Räty on that run? Is it just his doing or is there more to this than just the performance of a single player at hand?

Source for Liiga power rankings:



  1. Palmu wasn’t a 1ppg player until Raty got there. Raty elevated Palmus game. The team jumped 9 spots since he got there. They jumped 5 spots pre Raty, but I’ll bet since it was so early in the season that a 3 game win streak could cause that.

  2. what is your opinion of raty on defense? and is there anyone you would compare him to on the isles currently or other teams?

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