@Toronto Maple Leafs

[fox] Morgan Rielly on banning of pride tape: “I wish players had the right to do more and be more involved…. I’m going to continue to be involved in the community and offer support to those communities and those groups that want that, need that.”

[fox] Morgan Rielly on banning of pride tape: “I wish players had the right to do more and be more involved…. I’m going to continue to be involved in the community and offer support to those communities and those groups that want that, need that.”

by FutureAnybody


  1. Someone needs to contact their stick sponsor and request Pride themed sticks. Fuck the NHL

  2. Purplebuzz

    Hope he tapes up and dares the league to do anything.

  3. FansTurnOnYou

    I love Mo. This is a good, diplomatic response. I hope he can take his protest further though as I know it is important to him. I hope others feel as strongly as he does.

  4. Negative_Pea_1974

    The banning of the tape is a fucking joke.. players should have the right to use whatever colour tape they want.

    I understand (dont agree with)not wanting teams to participate in LGBT+ activities since it can single out players that don’t want to participate..

    but banning tape use by a player.. I think that is a fucking joke

  5. mgnorthcott

    I knew he would be the first to stand up. He’s a fierce fighter for Pride rights. That’s Captain Morgan right there.

  6. man_in_the_suit

    Morgan Rielly is just a straight up good guy on the right side of this.

  7. canuck_at_the_beach

    Players should just tape a different colour to each of their sticks, then line up for the anthem holding their sticks up.

  8. moviemerc

    Stupid NHL. We tried to make everyone do it and people complained that they felt forced to go against their believes, rights, bigotry etc. So NHL says now we won’t let anyone do anything instead of just allowing players to make their own choice to show support.

  9. captainbelvedere

    Morgan remains the most likeable player on the team. #1 in our hearts!

    This little episode serves as a good reminder of how fickle corporate support is for any social cause. The moment the corpos think something will affect their bottom line, they’ll ditch it as soon as possible.

  10. larfingboy

    Morgans got it right, He still is free to go into the community and do good deeds.

    The outrage machine lives however, you must wear the ribbon!

  11. foreverjustfornow

    That’s my Mr. Tessa Virtue right there !!!

  12. RealCanadianDragon

    If this was the NBA, you’d have guys going against the league to prove a point.

    In the NHL, it would be great if a McDavid or Matthews did this…….but we all know in hockey we won’t see guys standing up like that.

  13. Named my first born son Rielly and have NEVER been upset about that choice. Mo makes me appreciate that decision more every time he opens his mouth it seems. Should have the C if I am being honest.

  14. RadCheese527

    Imagine being so offended by tape you have to ban it

  15. Friggin_Grease

    Don’t you know there are only two sexual orientations? Straight and political.

    Can’t wait to honour our troops on a nightly basis. /S

  16. SharksLeafsFan

    Tape Bettman’s mouth with some pride tape, the announcement is such a joke.

  17. JT is a great captain but I still maintain Mo should have been chosen. Hes going to be a life-long-leaf and he’s exemplified all the qualities we want in a Captain.

    Also, Captain Morgan. Come on

  18. whatamidoing_2521

    Good on Mo, fuck the NHL.

    So so so badly want to see players, especially big names, just use pride tape anyways.

    Challenge the league to take disciplinary action against their players for visibly supporting the LGBTQ+ community while on the ice.

  19. Glum_Nose2888

    Just pay the damn game like you’re supposed to. Quit it with the virtue signalling. It’s a distraction from your job.

  20. LiftsEatsSleeps

    Why does the NHL give a shit about the color of tape? Just let people do what they want to do so long as the equipment fits within the rules that impact performance.

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