@Pittsburgh Penguins

Tom Wilson, 30 seconds left in their home opener, losing 4-0

Tom Wilson, 30 seconds left in their home opener, losing 4-0

by LGP214


  1. AccomplishedTouch114

    Truly the vontaze burfict of the NHL 🚮

  2. meanharri

    I hate players/teams who get dirty when they’re losing. He/they are one of such.

  3. neverflieson737

    My post was deleted. Tom Wilson is a piece of shit!

  4. FatHeadETO

    Such a waste of space. If you wanna fight a dude because your frustrated whatever, find someone willing to, not someone you know doesn’t stand a chance against you and doesn’t even through a fucking punch. douche nozzle.

  5. notthatryan

    “my arms were broke for a summer like this, and my mom used to help me out…. ya know… it was sick bro!”

  6. AmpersandJovial

    Ovi dragged my ass to a cup, but he can’t drag me to decency!

  7. bigwall79

    There isn’t a bag in the world that’s big enough to hold the amount of dicks Wilson can eat.

  8. I didn’t even realize Wilson was playing tonight until the fight and I was at the game.

  9. I_argue_for_funsies

    “Don’t mind me brooo, just looking after my fantasy bros. Top 100 on Yahoo leagues brooooo”

  10. pauljrupp

    You might not like it, but this is what peak irrelevance looks like

  11. freestyle43

    “My Dad works at Nintendo and wait til he hears about this!”

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