@New York Rangers

Rangers can’t afford to lose Ryan Lindgren’s value that ‘raises the level’

Rangers can’t afford to lose Ryan Lindgren’s value that ‘raises the level’

by lionson76


  1. lionson76

    Given Lindy’s style of play comes with bonafide longevity concerns, what would be a term and AAV you’re comfortable with to re-sign him? Or are you in the trade him camp?

  2. Daedra_Worshiper

    If anyone remembers the last 2 years, whenever he’s out for an extended period of time, the team looks listless. He’s a true “heart and soul,” kind of guy who brings way more to the team than just his playing skills. I’m sure Drury is aware of just how important he is.

  3. MarsHotelSouth

    I’m terrible at assessing AAV so I’m not even going to comment on that.

    However I do have thoughts on term. I think a 4ish year contract would be ideal for Lindy, for both parties. Say we lock him up through the 2027-28 season, he’ll be 30 in Feb 2028. I don’t think his play style is going to age well at all, and I think by then we should be considering other (younger and potentially healthier) options at D. Trouba may very well also be gone by then, since his contract is up in 2026. So our pairs could look something like:

    Miller/Fox ; Robertson/Schneider ; Jones/?

    Obviously just fill in any prospects where I said Robertson Jones and “?” 🤣 I think it’s important to extend our *next* window (when Laf/Chytil/Kakko are older and become our “vets”) as long as possible. I don’t want the Rangers to back themselves into a corner of another rebuild.

    Give him a M-NTC (not a full NMC, we have more than enough of those) and consider moving him at a deadline if we have to. I absolutely do not want to trade Lindgren for a star rental. But if we can get a 1st round pick or a good prospect in return I’m here for it. But I wouldn’t really consider that option until later on in the contract, because as it stands now the Rangers are horrible without the guy.

    As long as we can balance our own needs with doing right by him I’m open to a lot of possibilities. But I think letting go at 30 accomplishes that — we can get younger, and he can get a pay raise elsewhere since the cap will be significantly higher by then

  4. Flyinghud

    Luckily the cap should be going up significantly Lindgren will almost definitely get his payday

  5. As long as the term is 5 years max, we should pay him well. Just don’t push the contract too far into the other side of 30.

  6. JukemanJenkins

    Best scenario would be 5 years which will take him to 30. His style of play is insanely important to the Rangers, but longevity is obviously a concern already at this point in his career. Give the man some security and see where he’s at when he’s 30

  7. Team overall defensively seems so much better anytime hes in the lineup. I go back to two seasons ago, down 3-1 to the Pens, he came back for Game 5 and the team just looked so much better defensively. I get him being out makes others guys play who shouldnt, but dude is really a huge and valuable member of the team. I fucking love 55

  8. He’s one of my favorite players. Always loved players with his style and I feel they’re needed on every team. Before him, Kevin Klein filled that role. Not a flashy player and you’d never really get big complaints about them. Just a solid defensemen who really stood up for their teammates.


    Honestly the record with and without him is pretty damning in it of itself

  10. Our defense and even foxs ability takes a big hit when he is out. He is a glue piece that needs to stay

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