@Pittsburgh Penguins

[Penguins] The Penguins have acquired defenseman Jack Rathbone and forward Karel Plasek from the Vancouver Canucks in exchange for Mark Friedman and Ty Glover.

[Penguins] The Penguins have acquired defenseman Jack Rathbone and forward Karel Plasek from the Vancouver Canucks in exchange for Mark Friedman and Ty Glover.

by JDSollie


  1. JKray5_Reddit

    I don’t know much about rathbone or plasek, is this a good trade?

  2. NikolaiCakebreaker

    I think Friedman was the last Hextall guy?

  3. BombSquad570

    The purpose of this trade seems to be the AHL veteran limit, which hadn’t been a concern to WBS during the Hextall years because WBS barely had any AHL caliber players much less NHL veterans, but now with Dubas stocking the depth WBS was actually in a situation where they had to scratch 3 veterans (> 260 career games) per night because they were over the limit. So swapping Friedman for a guy below that threshold gives them more lineup flexibility, and Friedman was pretty expendable now anyway with the additions of Shea and Ludvig.

  4. alsonotbannedyet

    Oh Sweet, just what we needed – another left handed defensemen.


    Are we literally trying to collect them all? Ya know what else is nice to have guys – A RIGHT HANDED DEFENSEMEN. Just so Kyle Knows, those do exist. It’s not just Chad or playing a lefty.

  5. tinygaynarcissist

    Aw, I’ll miss Friedman, he always seemed like such a weird little gremlin. I always think of Taylor Haase asking the team who they wouldn’t let drive their car and the near-universal answer was Friedman, who wasn’t even called up at the time lmao.

  6. Euphoric__Dot

    Friedman is the first player acquired by Hextall, the cleansing continues

  7. thesunsetflip

    As a visiting Canucks fan, this season Rutherford has acquired former Pens Blueger, Lafferty, DeSmith, Cole, and now Friedman. Within the span of one offseason, he’s replaced about a quarter of our main roster with former pens.

    I anticipate this is not going to be the last Van/Pit trade this year

  8. CharlesHudon

    Plasek is an absolute mystery as he’s had two major injuries over the past two years, so I hope y’all can make something with this box of scraps! – Abby Canucks STH

  9. TheBestMetal

    “The Penguins have acquired defenseman Jack –”

    No! Noooo!

    “– Rathbone and forward Karel Plasek …”


  10. I liked Friedman. I would’ve rather had him on the bottom pair with POJ but Sully is in love with Ruhwedel. Oh well.

  11. Welshgreen5792

    The filth of Hextall is washing away -Treebeard probably

  12. I like Friedman of course, but there really wasn’t any room for him anymore. He wasn’t even making the main roster when we’re riding with 8 defenseman lol plus it helps the WBS veteran situation.

    Could be a big reward too, Rathbone has been a top defenseman prospect and has a lot of offensive skill, maybe someone in our org can help him get back to that and we keep him around through arbitration. Who knows, but it’s literally 0 risk lol

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