@New York Islanders

Larry Holmes – 48-0 – Most Underrated Champion? (Original Documentary)

Today’s video examines the career of one of the greatest heavyweight champions ever…Larry Holmes, the Easton assassin. Known for his elite jab and impressive title defense record. Holmes famously ended Muhammad Ali’s career, Fought wars against Shavers and Ken Norton, and reigned atop the heavyweights for seven years, defending his title 20 times. This original documentary covers it all. Relive the knockouts, the comebacks, the back and forth battles, the title defenses, the legends, the defeats, the rivalries, and more.

Voice Over Narration by
Andrew Scott


  1. The greatest jab ever, no equal. I didn't like it when he was champ, because he fell so far short of the wit of Ali. But in retrospect, he was a very solid champion. And like I said, his jab was extraordinary!

  2. The only problem with the great fighters is such they aren’t sure when to stop ; he was 48-0 before his first loss, and even then only lost 6 times. The fighters of yesterday paid their dues for sure.

  3. Love watching holmes fights, one thing to note though Larrys worst beating ever came by mike tyson who absolutely flattened him worst KO ever for larry and was hardly ever beaten! Is this why he runs Tyson down all the time ? Tyson destroyed Marvis and Berbick and Spinks and Holmes.. all dispatched very quickly indeed

  4. Holmes was the Greatest Heavy Weight of His Era in His Prime!
    He was the Mr. T to Rocky. He was Alis Mr. T.
    But there was no come back for Ali.
    This isnt a Rocky Movie.

  5. 😂. As a 60 year old black man, the hypocrisy I see with whites is enough to make me lose my lunch! What happened to your boy tyson fury being the greatest of all time? Have you people have any shame?

  6. سریعت ین مشت قلدر در کل بوکس حرفه ای تا الان من دیدم هیچکس ضرباتش سریعتر از همز من ندیدم حالا هر کسی نظری داری ولی خداوکیلی پنجاه بار مستند لری هلمز من دیدم هیچکس نمیشه با قدرت تمام ومشت سریع لری را مقایسه کرد کسی مثلش من ندیدم مثلا محمدعلی ضربات مشتش خیلی ظعیف بوده من تایسون هم دوست دارم ولی ضربات لری هومز عجیبن عجیب سرعتی وتکنیکی وقدرتی که مثالش من ندیدم فقط لنوکس لویس میشه

  7. lari loveeeeeeeeeeee👍👍🤙🤙🤙🤙💪🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅🐅تایگر 💪💪💪💪💪

  8. The underrated Heavyweight Champion who fought until the turn of the century, had the misfortune to be bookend between MUHAMMAD ALI and MIKE TYSON.

  9. Yeah, Larry was an absolute 🐐. Lennox lewis admitted that Holmes style was a huge influence on how he fought, and it showed. 🥊 His jab, and his 1,2 were a thing of beauty.

  10. Holmes is a piece of shit that talked all kinds of shit about Ali , He (Holmes) in no way ended the career of Ali, As the career of Ali was already over Holmes new it, even Ali new it , Ali took the fight for money, Holmes took the fight because he new Ali was finished as a fighter, he knew Ali was no longer the fighter he was given the opportunity to spar with 6 years earlier. Holmes took advantage of the failing health of Ali , Just because he knew he could win but more importantly so holmes could embarrass Ali. There is a reason Ali is revered throughout the world and holmes is just a footnote

  11. So many people are absolutely in the dark about Larry Holmes, that dude could hit!! And such a powerful jab system! With that famous right hand ✋!! Larry Holmes would kick any modern day boxers ass!! And he was durable!!

  12. Wen he fight mike Tyson he was 48-2 than mike put him ko = 48-3 and he was 38 years old 👍

  13. In my opinion the Holmes is the Heavyweight GOAT. The first time I'd ever seen him was in 1982 against Cooney. Amazing fight til this day!!

  14. Another great fighter who fought for too long because they got ripped off by Don King and others.

  15. I think the problem with holmes that no one respects him like they do foreman Ali ect is based on the fact that all his important bouts he won were vs fighters at the end of their careers.

  16. Holmes came through in weird flat time in boxing which there was no real great fighters untill tyson and we saw what happened there

  17. Disagree, he’s not underrated. Everyone knows, that he is one of the greatest heavyweights in history, in top 10 obviously

  18. As good as ANYONE to ever lace up the gloves. PERIOD! He was a beast! His jab was not a flicker but a PUNISHING jab and then those right crosses, right hooks and he would just unleash and finish them off!

  19. Homes was and is one of the best on top of the top of all time, and would beat anyone (in his prime shape) today

  20. Larry was great no question about it. But those contenders he fought after being champ were mostly bums with no name. Shavers was the only name he beat in those title defenses

  21. My dads favorite fighter.

    Real fighters see the real skill when we ham and eggers don’t know what we are seeing.
    My dad could point out what Holmes was doing so great.
    Dad did not think much of Mike Tyson and called it out when we were all caught up in the hype.

  22. I hate these nut hugger sights you dont put Holmes was floored and almost stopped by Renaldo Snipes in round 7 .Had a war with Weaver and hurt bad numerous times same with Witherspoon. Holmes had s shit personality why he was not liked …He was a great champion but dont edit fights.

  23. If Larry had power, he'd be the GOAT. But he didn't have power.

  24. You ever notice how some folks just can't appreciate the sheer greatness of Larry Holmes? I mean, seriously, if they watched Holmes stroll across the English Channel, they'd probably find a way to hate on him for not doing the backstroke! It's like they're allergic to giving credit where it's due.

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