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Gotta See It: Rozsival gets game misconduct for hit on Zucker

Watch as Chicago Blackhawks defenceman Michal Rozsival is given a game misconduct for this hit on Jason Zucker of the Minnesota Wild.


  1. It is interference as he never had posession of the puck and was taken out of the play. The NHL rule is: 56.5 Game Misconduct Penalty – When a major penalty is imposed under this rule for a foul resulting in an injury of an opponent, a game misconduct shall be imposed. Good call by the refs.

  2. I think it's an interference call only because the puck looks airborne before the hit happens and a player can't have distinct possession of a puck while its in the air hence the interference

  3. I'm not claiming that it was a dirty hit, but Zucker was clearly hurt BEFORE he hit the ice. Watch the replay. As soon as he's hit, his arms go stiff and he never even attempts to brace his fall, then he hits the ice and his head snaps back and makes contact with the ice. I've seen this many times in Boxing and MMA where a fighter is initially knocked silly, then falls and is also hurt by an unprotected fall. A double-whammy, if you will. Again, I'm NOT claiming that it was a dirty hit, but to say that he wasn't hurt until he hit the ice, or that the initial hit wasn't that hard is VERY disputable based on the video evidence.

  4. clean hit – the arm might have been high except that Rozsival is also taller so not so much – Zucker had just touched the puck under a second before

  5. Game Misconduct, Minor, Major, Fake Injury, whatever, point is blackcocks lost no matter what the call, they played like shit, and sick and tired of hearing these opinions of the hawks fans on this video, the only talent on your team is toews and kane, if u didn't have them yall would be at the bottom of the division. also, clean hit? he clearly shoved his elbow into his head, I believe the hit was made to make a statement about the score of the game. fly back home Chicago we will seen you again. and will kick your ass In your home arena. (bring on the hate comments)

  6. Clean as a whistle. I don't think Rozsival could have tucked his arm in any more, Zucker wasn't looking where he was skating but still saw him shortly before the impact and didn't get ready for impact, instead he went into an awkward position and lowered his head even more. Zucker had contact with the puck right before the hit and it was within his reach. Sucks that Rozsival was ejected for this.

  7. Such fuckin bullshit. Skates didnt leave the ice, he wasnt targeting, he hit him in the shoulder/collar bone area, and he got ejected because the guys head hit the ice. This is just as retarded as Tom Wilson's ejection against Ottowa a few months ago. Pathetic.

  8. clean hit. I was at work listening on the radio at work. these refs are out for the hawks. 3 times in 2 weeks the Hawks have been flagged 3 times for goalie interference. the league needs to start holding these refs accountable for the bogus calls

  9. there are some dumb people on here as always. this was not interference. zucker had possession and he got rocked by the cleanest hit I've ever seen get called as a misconduct. these refs are a joke

  10. Zucker is 5' 10, Rozsival is 6' 2. Zucker had his head down and Rozsival toughened up for a check. The height difference was bound to be an effect in a clean check. The misconduct was over kill on an injury that could have been avoided by keeping your head up.

  11. Dirty or clean, it's a hit on a Minnesota player that causes an injury and I'm okay with that. Have some karma.

  12. Love seeing all the butthurt Chicago fans bitching about it being a clean hit… It wasn't very vicious, but the head was the main point of contact and it was a bit of an elbow

  13. Clean hit. NHL is becoming softer by the season, future is not looking too good.

  14. wtf totally clean fkn hit the only reason hes called is cause zucker is a midget!

  15. It was an easy call to make; and the correct one. Clumsiness on the part of the dexterously-challenged Rozsival is no excuse. For better or worse, in today's NHL, any shot to the head risks a major penalty and game misconduct – especially if you lift your elbow to make contact.

  16. Blackhawks fans crack me up. Imagine if this happened to Toews, they would be furious! Hit him in the head, plus it was interference. Rules say if you injure a player on a interfere call, you automatically get a game misconduct.

  17. At 0:19 there is clear contact between the elbow and head. Yes, hitting the ice probably caused the concussion, but if the hit is to the chest, Zucker doesn't hit the ice in that manner. Also, he doesn't have the puck so it is interference.

  18. Even 9 months later, I still see nothing wrong with this play, Zucker had the possession of the puck, his head was down and Rozsival leveled Zucker.

  19. Hi all. I don't completely understand the nhl rules, explain me why it shouldn't be a penalty(as I see in comments)? As I see he hit him elbow to the jaw and he made motion lifting his elbow towards to the head and the puck was far away from him if you look at this in a slowmotion. He lost his consciousness before he fell

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